stop with the mood swings already. one minute i feel so free and alive and happy,
and the next i feel like curling up in a ball and crying. i really have no idea what my issue is today.
im a little lonely. maybe thats what it is? i have no idea.
and im sure this will pass.

whatever whatever whatever
i can empathize. i can usually get by feeling all right, but once i get home, and am alone, i realize that im alone almost all the time, even when im not. kinda sucks.
*sigh* I am quite familiar with them... but today is up cause I'm Reg'ed!!!!
whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever
i am not happy at all at myself right now. i decided last nite that i needed to kick myself in my ass for a jumpstart or something.
i am such an undisciplined person. sometimes i work out, other times i dont...sometimes i show up for school..most of the time i dont.
( i still get a's , i promise) . sooooooo..i am putting myself...
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today on my way to my friends house for dinner i looked over and
found this huge monster of a beautiful wonderful plant. she was in the
trash. it appeared as if the pot had been broken and was wayyy to small..and someone
just decided to throw her out. so of course i turned around and
picked her up, planted her and named her lucy....
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That story made my heart all warm and fuzzy. Thank you.
I know what you mean...a simular thing happened the other day...I work at target in the backroom...You wouldn't believe the perfectly good stuff they through away...It really bothers a lot of the team members...perfectly good chocolate...I eat it when ever I get the chance even though I don't care for it...Diapers...electronics...small apliances...clothes...& plants that dry up slightly...I wanted to save the Bonzi plants yesterday but I would be fired if I took them home...It sucked...Today I went out in back and decided to fix the garden...I need a project to make me better...I would rather have a plant than a domesticated animal...Ohwell*

Goodnews is that when the some district managers walked our store I questioned why we toss perfectly good stuff...we could still sell or donate...We now are donating to several different causes...Womens shelters & pregnancy centers get the fomula & diapers...kids clothes too...Goodwill picks up a bunch of stuff...animal shelters get the busted dog food/cat food...I'm glad they are doing this but they could do better...I can only imagine what other stores do???
today has become the longest day EVER. well maybe not the longest, but
definitely in the top ten. i am sooooooo going to be the laziest person
tomorrow. i am going to do absolutely nothing if i can help it.

i hope everyone has a good relaxing day...

ade whatever whatever
hi there! i am doing alright...
i am with you on the lazy day tomorrow biggrin
hope you are doing ok as well
I actually need to be industrious today. I am so bitter about it.

But you, darling, should have a lovely, lazy day.
so tonite was very odd. my roommate and i, deciding to be brave and
reckless went galavanting all around town. instead of hitting up every lesbian (every?? hahah there is only one) and gay bar
we went to all straight bars all nite long. there was a contest at one to get
tickets for auditions for the real world....and i sat back and watched..actually
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The blondes are rampant at the straight bars here, too. I don't mid, because it makes me stick out in the crowd more.
today is wonderfully beautiful.


i just had the craziest most hilarious nite EVER. remind me to tell you about later, but right now...
i need sleep...

dance freely
love recklessly
ade whatever whatever whatever

ive been checking into graduate programs and living costs, and all sorts of things, and it
appears that san diego, california will more than likely be the place i move too in the coming future.
it seems far away, but i know its not, so here is when the saving begins in earnest.
ive been putting off alot of things that i need to...
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good luck...san diego is beauuuuutiful! biggrin
its 12:41am my time, and i am actually tired. YAHOO. for an insomniac
this is like a wet dream come true. off to sleepy land i go, where i will
dream about wonderful beautiful people, kicking mean people in their shins and im sure
a bunch of other stuff freud (bless his coked out crazy heart) would
loooooooove to dissect.

question for the evening:...
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Ha my ex did that and does that still....she lives with her gf but whenever her girlfriend is outta town like tongiht she is with her ex making out....sucks...i have low tolerance for bullshit like that


off to check out Germanys post
i would flirt back, to some degree, but i'd make it clear it wasn't going farther than that. definitely no kissing and no touching... but it's fun to flirt sometimes. i guess i'd also see if my partner were comfortable with flirting even if it didn't involve touching or kissing.

now, if someone is still flirting with the other person and they've established that it's not cool because of their relationship, that's just obnoxious.

sweet dreams kiss