
i have butterflies in my belly.

whatever whatever
yes i'm going to burningman... we should all meet up somewhere...did you join the group on this sight?
could someone please look at the new slumber party pics and tell me the girls names in them..

i didnt recognize two of the short dark haired girls...


so today she stopped by to pick up some things that was hers....borrowed shirts, boxers worn home.
i had such a hard time looking at her in her eyes, because i cant hide the fact
that i feel like my insides are being stabbed at repeatedly.
think positive. think about all the awesome things that will
be happening soon. i cant. all that i...
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i keep thinking that there is something i should do, something i could do
to change the situation. to make things turn out good...i know that i have
no control over this, i know that really all i can do now is sit here and watch
and see what happens. i wonder what is going to happen.
i know whatever happens is going to happen...
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Wow. I am in the same place. Wait, wait, wait. And then wonder.

im such a dope.


whatever whatever whatever
you are not a dope....you ARE dope...
yah i hate that circle thing sometimes. but i just figure every couple of years i'll amaze myself with another big realization. so then things can't be that boring
has anyone ever read the book "the notebook"??? its by far one of the
best written beautiful books ive ever laid eyes on. its a love story, but
its honest love. its the ups, the downs, the hopes the dreams,
the pain. its so fucking beautiful. i have a copy that is dog eared and highlighted
and i love it.
today i re read it...
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eek. so we have until sunday to keep living in our little world.
then things are going to change. thank god i will be out of town
when a certain person returns.
i dont know what is going to happen. my most closest wonderful friend
seems to think that things will happen the way they should.
she believes that there is going to be some...
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aww. sounds luscious.
have fun!
what a whole gaggle (well maybe not completely) but a bunch of different answers. due to the fact that i am the "new" girl who honestly just walked into this situation
of course i am going to be love bias and WISH that the ending would be involved with me.
Realistically...who knows what will happen. it could be any of the previous answers, or
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Mostly fun...just don't look down!

I just read a chapter in The Lives of Muses about the real Alice that inspired Lewis Carroll. So interesting.

Love back atcha with a *smooch*.

[Edited on Jun 17, 2003]
ive actually read that !! well.....ill keep that in mind...no looking down.

let you know how it turns out anyways....

you meet someone, and completely unintentionally fall madly in love.

in love. goo goo eyes. smiley all day grins. happiness. love
yeah. the good good stuff.

problem: you live in your gfriends house. she had been gone for 6 months and
will be returning soon. you have been driving her car. at one point you were in love with her.
but that was months ago....
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Forget what's past. Move on. Past will never happen again and as much as you can care for a previous love lost, Past is gone. Dead. Finished. Pretending will make you feel bad & will make the other person feel even worse.

Enjoy having a new love, this is the best life can ever offer smile

i feel like either love would be tainted to a degree. i don't think it would be fair to either girl to stick around. does that make sense? in my head it does. i could explain better in more words if you'd like, ms. ade..
well. this weekend was pretty much hell. i walked out of my house sat. morning to
go to dj a pool party, and found that my stereo had been stolen out of my car...
honestly i didnt even get pissed because i was so sick. so sick that sat. nite i ended up in the emergency ward.
so now its monday, and i have a...
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Hey Lady - I'm glad you're feeling on the up and up...

I'm also glad you've such a delicious outlook on Love.
*whew* Suck on the sickness... Its good you are taking care of yourself... And don't I know it about being mystified about not taking chances...