so tonite was very odd. my roommate and i, deciding to be brave and
reckless went galavanting all around town. instead of hitting up every lesbian (every?? hahah there is only one) and gay bar
we went to all straight bars all nite long. there was a contest at one to get
tickets for auditions for the real world....and i sat back and watched..actually
my very very andro roomie and i sat back and watched and the only girls that were picked
by the radio station were long blond haired girls wearing short skirts and victoria secrets wonder bras.
actually, the whole fucking club looked like clones. my roomie pointed out that we were the only white girls with short hair.
how wacked is that???
anyways....i decided that next time we go there, because the music was really AWESOME...and thats all that matters, im going to pull out allllll my old school goth wear and
go and rock out.
ive never really hung out at straight bars.....the bar i grew up in was completely industrial/goth/electric and all the people there were sexual. sexuality breathed in everyone...we were not female,
male...we were just beautiful people dancing. i miss that electricity.
so yeah. the nite was fun, but weird.
reckless went galavanting all around town. instead of hitting up every lesbian (every?? hahah there is only one) and gay bar
we went to all straight bars all nite long. there was a contest at one to get
tickets for auditions for the real world....and i sat back and watched..actually
my very very andro roomie and i sat back and watched and the only girls that were picked
by the radio station were long blond haired girls wearing short skirts and victoria secrets wonder bras.
actually, the whole fucking club looked like clones. my roomie pointed out that we were the only white girls with short hair.
how wacked is that???
anyways....i decided that next time we go there, because the music was really AWESOME...and thats all that matters, im going to pull out allllll my old school goth wear and
go and rock out.
ive never really hung out at straight bars.....the bar i grew up in was completely industrial/goth/electric and all the people there were sexual. sexuality breathed in everyone...we were not female,
male...we were just beautiful people dancing. i miss that electricity.
so yeah. the nite was fun, but weird.

The blondes are rampant at the straight bars here, too. I don't mid, because it makes me stick out in the crowd more.