i am jacks raging libido

okay. so im assuming that a bunch of you saw the matrix last nite. what did you think?? what about the sex scene. forget about keanu....all those dancing
people..damn. that is my new fanstasy. to be with hundreds, thousands of people...sweaty...partially clothed ...dancing. yes.
that would be my heaven. that would be esctasy.

i thought the movie was awful....puke

the sex scene sucked too....
i do not like making day to day plans. its not that i dont plan, for my future
for a concert next month....lalallalala. but i hate making day to day plans.
for instance: my friend wanted me to go see the matrix with her this afternoon,
even tho i made huge plans this evening with about 20 people to go see it.
she has to...
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angel perfume, huh?

havent smelled that stuff. who makes it? lush?
are ya over it yet? I got woken up by my boss calling me to go work early....but i have a hair appt i must not miss since i havent had my haircut in 5 months smile
i realized tonite as i was playing a set, that i have fully focused all my energy back into
music again. it feels so absolutely wonderful.
alot of changes have happened to me over the past few months...job change, an end
to a relationship....and all that empty time became a nuisance for a busy bee like me..

i feel good tonite.

love freely
ade whatever
you sure do... feel good that is wink tongue

off to dj i go. hope everyone has a good nite...

I had a great night! its morning here now! I went tothe donnas and it ruled.... have a good one!
im cooking and cleaning..a domestic nite for me
so my dear friend had a bad nite at the the bar we work at, so we decided to hook up to go
out for some drinks afterwards. we invited a girl to tag along (after we had had a few drinks).
i have to say that this girl is absolutely captivating. she personifies so many traits that i find
beautiful and very attractive. i...
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I'm right with you there... too many drinks last night... too much to do... and wistfullness for the musically focused.
i love finding captivating people. they're so few and far between.

yes, i need someone in my life that cptivates me and is as equally captivated. maybe we can make robots?
its such a pretty day today...perfect weather for fun outings to outdoor places....
hmm....for some reason i just dont feel like leaving the house...

is anyone else out there as big of a computer dork as me? does anyone else play sims??
i am a closet sim addict...okay...hell..im not in the closet about anything..
so yeah. the new sims comes out tomorrow..
yes i know...
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hey, i actually went outside today. but it was so windy my coffee blew over and got all over my car. (note to self: dont put coffee on the roof of your car)

yeah, i used to play the sims. when it first came out, i played and played until something like 7am, and i didn't realize what time it was until i heard the birds chirping.

there's a new sims? like an expansion pack or something? i haven't played many of those. i thought livin' large was a good addition. and the only other one was Unleashed. i couldn't get my head around the idea of going downtown. i couldn't ever get my sims happy or rested enough to have any fun.
omg i love the SIMS...i play it all the time and i have all the money in the world...i build large lesbian communes
i am bored. someone, please...save me????

whatever whatever whatever

school started back up today. la de da. whatever
she is the person who brightens up your day just by catching her
looking at you.
she is the one who will make you feel at ease when you begin to fall

she is the one whos touch, taste, and sound will be forever stained into your

you know, i seem to always update when people are replying to me. weird. thanks for the nice comments though smile i'm replying to your email today , may take a minute because i've got some computer malarkey going on!
why is it that lesbians dont do the dating thing? just once ...i would like
to be picked up, and woo'ed. no talks of uhauls, no going home for a one nite stand,
definitely no talk of commitment.
i just want to date. have good conversation. be taken somewhere without having to
make all the damn decisions.
none of the lesbians i know here date....
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If ONLY I could get the uhaul deal! Just come to San Francisco. Nobody believes in any kind of commitment here. I am dying for a girl to take me seriously. I have been dating women here for 2 years and none of them have ever sprouted into any kind of serious relationship. *Sigh*

Oh and BTW you're very cute and if I saw you at a bar I would totally hit on you. Actually you're so cute I would probably be too scared to hit on you so I would just walk by you like 20,000 times in the course of the night hoping you would talk to me, lol.

AND you DJ? I spin myself, but need someone to teach me more advanced tricks. I spin Hard House and Hard Trance. My slipmats are furry leopardprint. smile

[Edited on May 11, 2003]
i haaaaaate the lesbian bar scene ... which is why i do the online personals thing. but it seems i've had issues there too, mostly the same u-haul types or 'bi' girls who aren't so much into the love part of it and more the sex {i am bi but not that variety, i lurve both of those things }

either way dating should be fun and people just make it hard. dummies.

come here and we'll go on a fancy date!

i am emailing you in a while, when i'm done cooking!

[Edited on May 11, 2003]
everyone check out my new pictures.. i am so happy i got them up..
hopefully ill add more soon...

well i hope everyone had a fun, interesting nite. tell me stories, since
i am stuck at home with either
1. food poisioning
2. the flu.

I'm sure this won't make you feel any better, but you are breathtaking. Now I'm all shy.... wow.

Feel better... miao!!

[Edited on May 11, 2003]

[Edited on May 11, 2003]