My boy comes home tomorrow!!! I am doing a happy, but bitter-sweet dance...He gets home from Maine for a few days and then goes home to Peru, then to Spain. It's very difficult dating an international jet-setter. But i get to see him tomorrow, and our time together before he leaves again is all that matters. Hurrah! smile
You know those days where you just get so sick of people that you want to move to a small studio apartment with your cat and become a hermit and completely withdraw from society?? Yeah, me neither wink
It's so hard to get used to sleeping alone when you've had a nice warm body next to you for so long...now it's just cold and it's starting to smell funny biggrin But seriously i miss my boyfriend, three weeks is going to seem like foreva!
it is difficult. especially as lexie said. but at least I have a kittie to get me though the rough times.
Yup, it's hard. My wife and I split up 2 and a half weeks ago. God, those first 3 or 4 nights were hell. It gets easier though. I still find myself reaching over when I'm half asleep to rub her back or touch her arm...a comfort things I guess. I end up grabbing sheets now. Bleh.
Roomate is out for a bit...Boyfriend is in Maine for three weeks... I'm gonna sit around in my underwear and get drunk and watch Law and Order!! It's the little things ya know? kiss
Hurray for nice weather!!! It finally feels like May instead of November. I like Spring in Boston, Summer however can be unbearable, so I hope it stays like today (70's with a little breeze) for a while. It's so nice out that my friend is having an impromtu BBQ. Yum! I hope all of you are enjoying nice weather as well. kiss
Ooooooooo, new pics! I'll have some pictures of my kitten soon. Enjoy.
Thanks for the comments guys. I'm feeling better about the whole thing after some sleep, and a yummy breakfast. I've decided to have a little get together tonight, and told the boy no X-box until everyone leaves!! And he actually agreed to it. Who knows maybe he'll even come to bed before 5 am. Maybe I'll even get laid! eeek I'm not gonna get my hopes...
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Warning: The following is a bit ranty

Ok, so, my roomate and my boyfriend often play Halo for X-box. I'm not so into it. I prefer video games with a bit more of a story, maybe it's a girl thing? Any way I had no real issues with Halo until my roomate got X-Box live about a week ago. My boyfriend has disapeared. Well actually...
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eventually he'll get tired of playing the game. unless he's like my brother and cousin who's lives revolve around computer games. Sometimes I play those online games with them, but then I get addicted and feel bad cuz I've wasted all this time playing the game when I could have been doing something productive. ie. not getting to lvl 20. um yea. but then there was no sexy girl trying to be all sexy while I was playing the game so...I probably would have stopped at that point to do stuff with the sexy girl being sexy.
ah, another video game-widow. You are certainly not the first one. Believe me, it could be worse. It could be a MMPORPG he is playing, like Everquest, or Dark Age of Camelot, or World of Warcraft which suck you in to an endless grind (I lost 2 years of my life to one of those games). The upside is at least many women find those games fun to play (lots of couples play them together).

I'm predicting your bf will get bored of Halo in a few weeks (or maybe months), and go back to normal. Of course, I'm not excusing his behavior. I dunno really what you should do in the meantime. If I was him, you would just have to wear some perfume or kiss the back of my neck and I'd stop playing pretty quickly wink

I kind of laughed when you mentioned the "testoserone factor" in your apt.
Somehow, I have the opposite problem - last night I found myself at my home with my two roommates (both women), one of their sisters, and one friend - so 4 women total - one of them making jewelry, one doing her nails, and the other 2 making clothing and hair extensions, while we all sat around and watched "Sex and the City" (I am not making this up). AGGGH, estrogen overload!

Maybe you should come hang at my place, and I can go over your bf's place and play some XBox, biggrin

Maybe try posting this to the "Dating Sucks" group?

I got my nose pierced today. I like it but it kinda feels like i have a big booger. Exams are plodding along, i still have two papers to write, Bleh. I can't seem to concentrate on work, i keep gettin distracted by the adorableness of my new kitten. I hope to post some pictures of her soon, as soon as i figure out how...
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Ah, how I wish I can a kitten to distract me. By the way, welcome to SG, too. smile
welcome to sg kiss

I love having my nose pierced. I have both nostrils and I am always shoving a finger or two up there to pick away.