Ah the holidays. That lovely time of year when you feel stressed out, depressed, and sometimes lonely, annoyed with family, overworked (at least in the reatail/food service industry), and just all around cranky. I would like to someday pinpoint exactly when this season of loving and giving became just another excuse for capitalism. Not that I disagree with capitalism, i just hate feeling broke and sort of like i'm being judged by what i am able to buy for people... or judging others by what they buy for me, because lets face it, we all do it even if we don't mean to. Well anyway, i'm determined this year to not succumb to the holiday depression that usually gets me in its grip right about now. I am going to try my best to be up beat and just enjoy the love of friends and family this year. And if that doesn't work, at least i can look forward to getting drunk on New Years and making a fool of myself! Ho Ho Ho!!!

Love your family and friends, you know they love you.