Friday night kicked ASS! I actually danced, damn it! Me! Mr. Two Left Feet, i got on the dance floor and fucking DANCED! Ms. Mystery and I had a great dinner at a great little place in the marina, then some drinks at I dunno where, then on to the consulate for the rest of the night. It turns out her and I have...
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Friday night kicked ASS! I actually danced, damn it! Me! Mr. Two Left Feet, i got on the dance floor and fucking DANCED! Ms. Mystery and I had a great dinner at a great little place in the marina, then some drinks at I dunno where, then on to the consulate for the rest of the night. It turns out her and I have...
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I think it's Thursday.
Last night was fun. I went out with some folks from work. We had a wedding shower type of thing for two guys in the office, one who just got married this past weekend and one who's getting married this coming weekend. We had a good time and it was nice to socialize with some normal, well-adjusted folks.
At one point,...
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Last night was fun. I went out with some folks from work. We had a wedding shower type of thing for two guys in the office, one who just got married this past weekend and one who's getting married this coming weekend. We had a good time and it was nice to socialize with some normal, well-adjusted folks.
At one point,...
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I got asked by, in the context of talking about marriage, "So, you wanna?" I said yes. Then about three months later, he called me from Dallas on my cell while I was in a drug store & asked me again. I said yes again. Now I say, why?!
It's a good thing you didn't get married, honey. It's CORRUPTING!!!! Don't take any shit from these girls, OK?
It's a good thing you didn't get married, honey. It's CORRUPTING!!!! Don't take any shit from these girls, OK?
having some trouble finding that photoshop cd. i think i may have lent it out to a friend. if my buddy doesn't have i think i know where to get another. will inform...
Monday, man, and I'm feeling fine.
It's chilly outside, kind of windy, and I have all the windows open. The air smells good and Rod Stewart and The Faces are kicking some serious white-boy blues ass.
I'm going to Ireland over Christmas. I have lots of family in Rostrevor and Clara, so I'll have loads of fun seeing cousins that I used to only see...
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It's chilly outside, kind of windy, and I have all the windows open. The air smells good and Rod Stewart and The Faces are kicking some serious white-boy blues ass.
I'm going to Ireland over Christmas. I have lots of family in Rostrevor and Clara, so I'll have loads of fun seeing cousins that I used to only see...
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Interpol=Skinny New Yawk guys channeling Joy Divsion. Somewhat derivative, but I like it anyway.
HAHA! Hen Gliding! HA!
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Thomas Edison: She thought it would be an illuminating experience.
William J. Broad: The crux is that the vast majority of the poultry in the
universe seems to be missing.
Richard Feynman: It didn't cross the road to the other side. It actually
came back to where it started but was momentarily moving backward in time.
.emit ni...
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Thomas Edison: She thought it would be an illuminating experience.
William J. Broad: The crux is that the vast majority of the poultry in the
universe seems to be missing.
Richard Feynman: It didn't cross the road to the other side. It actually
came back to where it started but was momentarily moving backward in time.
.emit ni...
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Don't worry about the comment, silly Pookah.
Cherry xox
Cherry xox

This is what I want to give to you. 

I lost my uncle.
My uncle was my mom's twin brother and the only other blood relative I have. He was a great friend, an icon to a generation, and someone any of you would have been totally stoked to hang out with I feel sick without him and there is no doubt that I feel a huge loss. He was the guy that got...
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My uncle was my mom's twin brother and the only other blood relative I have. He was a great friend, an icon to a generation, and someone any of you would have been totally stoked to hang out with I feel sick without him and there is no doubt that I feel a huge loss. He was the guy that got...
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There's no sense in denying mortality, but that rarely makes it any easier. It sounds like you were one of many who are better for having had known him, and it sounds like his stories should outlive us all.
I'm sorry for what truly seems like our loss as well as yours.
I'm sorry for what truly seems like our loss as well as yours.
Dude...i'm totally sorry to hear about your uncle's passing. I ain't got nothing more to say that isn't terribly cliche so i'll just leave you with my sympathies.
"It is a grief to me, after toil,
Suffering death's agony in affliction,
And a second heeavy grief to me
To have seen our men fall headlong.
And long sighing and lamentation
After the fiery men of our land,
Rhufon and Gwgon, Gwion and Gwlged,
Bravest in their stations, mighty in conflict,
May their souls after battle be welcomed
In the land of plenty."
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Suffering death's agony in affliction,
And a second heeavy grief to me
To have seen our men fall headlong.
And long sighing and lamentation
After the fiery men of our land,
Rhufon and Gwgon, Gwion and Gwlged,
Bravest in their stations, mighty in conflict,
May their souls after battle be welcomed
In the land of plenty."
Read More
I'm assuming your Irish then? me too. welcome to the site!
Leave YOU alone? Your responses to my comments have been antagonistic. You can dish it out buityou can't take it. Yu can make snide remarks to others, but when they call YOU on it, you cry foul.
Do you realize how many other members have said the same thing about you?
I'd go on abut how fake I know you really are but folks will find out for themselves.
Odds are you'll have me kicked off again. So be it.