Member Since 2015

BTS Behind The Scenes at Cherry-Muse Vol II


On the weekend just gone I did my second shoot with the talents of @cherrybuttonz and Innocent Muse combined.

Yes those two wonderful talented girls naked together on a whole day basis. Well the whole day after midday except when I said midday I don’t specify a time, apparently.

Looking at @cherrybuttonz you would be forgiven for thinking she is actually quite pissed off, she wasn’t, she was just in the middle of an exceeding long rant about having lost all feeling in her vagina cause the water was so cold.

I originally laughed and took silly photos of her crawling across the rocks on hands and knees, that was until “Mr hah I have perfect balance” ie me, fell in the damn river twice and little “Miss no I got this Muse” fell in the river once.

Volume two of this adventure takes place in the shower back at my place.
Volume three takes place naked on the sofa.
Stay tuned for more BTS stuff and soon-ish lots of proper photos and sets

I believe the cold water's effects on @cherrybuttonz have easily rendered her resplendent nipples capable of re-carving the Hope Diamond! 😍💎😘
Seriously love the colors of your hair here...
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