i have been painting today, this painting i started before i moved into my new place. I feel like im getting nowhere.... i have no interest in it now, im bored with it. Ahh the curse of Aries. I always find finishing and following things through hard. To try and fight this curse i have given myself a time frame. Im meeting my friend for drinks late tomorrow afternoon - i have until then. Ahh i envy driven, motivated people... well actually people that keep that motivation and not get sidetracked
Resistance makes me weak.
Persistance makes you strong.
You are strong and I am weak.

Resistance makes me weak.
Persistance makes you strong.
You are strong and I am weak.
heyyyyyy u dont use PING! any more? ill be in Melbourne most weekends from here on in ... u keen to hit the town and show me around?
Keep painting lady. Time is the bane of all artists. Dont pay attention to it