So im going to talk about the weather. Not because i am bored or have nothing better to talk about (ok well maybe the latter is true!)
GOD i love Melbourne weather!! Seriously, i do. Well.. today i do. One minute it is sunny and the next it is pissing down rain, flooding the city, causing havoc... just the way i like it! hehe
I think i was one of the very few who was smiling whilst walking home, drenched ... whilst the majority of people were running, cursing, tooting their horns and just hating the world. I didn't think the rain had poured down too much until i realised our stairwell at work was flooding from the top level. And again, didn't realise the severity until i reached about a block from my building, then when i went to cross the road to my building. I just smiled, took some photos and waded through the brown dirty water. Who needs drugs when you have knee deep water to play in?

GOD i love Melbourne weather!! Seriously, i do. Well.. today i do. One minute it is sunny and the next it is pissing down rain, flooding the city, causing havoc... just the way i like it! hehe

I have a video for you.
Oh floods cool, but not cool..