I am having my first sicky and am not enjoying it. I must rewind and perhaps babble a bit to help you understand why. I work at for a high profile lawyer. I am the weird, inked girl of the office. Perhaps, maybe you can compare it to those crime series and they always have the weird, geeky, goth girl in the lab. Anyway, I headed to the supermarket in my ripped up jeans, cons, all my crosses and chains and shitand there standing at the checkout is my boss and her husband. Pearls and designer suit judging me after working my arse off for her all day when I just want my kidney beans!! They live in my neighbourhood, and use the same grocery store, market, chemist, florsist, and probably adult store!! (eww)
You are probably thinking where is this chick heading with this I know I am. Oh right I know where! I am stuck in my apartment and scared to go to the store and get some medicine and some bbq shapes !! I think I might just throw myself off the balcony or maybe I should just grow some balls!!

Thanks for the pep talk....have just watched the end of city of angels and am ready to hunt down those bbq shapes!!
I mean she cant be judging too hard, she hired ya.