Last week, the Lowe's I was working part time at had two cases of covid confirmed in five days, both in their receiving department. In the meeting with the GM, on Monday, we were told if the cases and the GM took some of our questions. His attitude toward the ordeal was very dismissive to me as in he was not willing for preventative measures unless it was rolled out corporation wide. Nor did he think it was a big deal of the circumstances stating " I feel more secure here than out there. Here, I can control the environment." It didn't set well with me so I walked.
Four hours later, I became the bee kitchen manager for a grill on the north east side of Indy as well as I am to also oversee the kitchen of their sister restaurant within a couple months. Within those 4 hours, I doubled my pay. We will see how everything plays out. Alot of challenges in the new position, but tremendous up side.