wow! i finaly got some good sleep. thanks christina for a wonderful conversation last night.
my hats off to you. maybe my shorts too! haha
ok i had just written for about two hours into this here journal when i hit the backspace button to change a miss spelling an then tehe whole fucking thing went away, i hope i can write everything again , lets hope so yeah?
so the weekend.
heresa good recap:
thursday: ( yes the weeekend starts early in Los Angles)
got some blah blah done, an realised that i need somem ore braclets. so there they were glow in the dark blue rubber bracelets, it was like some sort of god was smiling on me. yeah i bought twelev total, it only set me back 2$ an a cigarette, my buddies girlfriend works htere, i s called red ballz in hollywood california!
anyways, after that i grabbed a quick drink ( coke you lushes) an headed over to my budddy marxx's home. i love you christina! i cant stop thinking about wed! i..i..uh yeah..i......t there was some great new thing he wanted to show off, so me an j. show up an the usual click was there.. i go into his garage an banm!
i see it. the resaon why everyone is so stoked!
there it is ... the original Donky Kong!!!
arcade stand an everyhting even the lil evil bear trap sictures are on the side
an it works!!!!!!
the thing is that the fucker weighs like 9785lbs, but we put it in his game room, an 10.00$ or 40 quaters later we figured out how to get it to work without money, thatk you internet.
he also put in a nother game onto the motherboard too., Mrs Pacman. The Greatest game ever!!!!! my personal fav.
i guess theres a lot of room on t ose hard drives.
anyway after that we realised that the idea of donky kong was a lot more fun then the game. now galaga thats somehting else!
geez christina im going to sing that depeche song everthting i ever need is hear in my arms song you know all i ever wanted.....
so i take off an do more blah blah, an i talk to some ppl an i end up going to a bar with some freinds an changing a flat tire, an calling some ppl.
i talk to nuresugar an we talk an we talk an you knw what shes wonderful.
so yeah i go to work at 4am on friday morning with 3 hours sleep. an i work an work, an meet up with zgrat, the bad ass freind of all time!
i find out that Paloma cant go to the sgla thing this saturday so i gave my extra ticket to jolene! who mind you had a fabulous time!!!! it seems a whole lot of you attendees thought she was suicide girl!!!! hahaha! she a grea tperson!
she was thrillled a i think she had great time! No i know she did!
i know that she will be on here really soon., i told her im naked on it an well i guess that was the final selling pooint! * news flash..this just in she just might just be a real suicide girl soon*~~~~~
friday night i finish work around 6pm ,i do dinner an blah blah up date a lil journal on here an call nursesugar an i proceed to pour out my whole self to her an all my feelings everyhting that is going in my world an my heart, an you know what she understood.
thats what real freinds do, in real i mean those freiends that are so close there family.
after that .she went to go save lives, an lunna called me.
perfection in its rawist form haha!
we talked about everyhting from the kitchen sink to city of lost children! an for those ppl who actualy saw this ovie an hated it ( which im guessing is some where around what 5 ppl in the continental united states) fuck you!!!!!!!!
your dumb. for those who havent seen it ,hating it is illegal an is a crime punishable by marshmellow aphexiation.
go see it it rocjks!
yeah lunna that was great talk, i loved every minute of it!
an i hope you enjoy your stay here in la!
yeah i talked for what....til 11pm, that was 3 hours with christina!
i then took a shower did the teeth thing ( i have to get one of my wisdom teeth pulled i think its cracked a lil ) i went to bed by i duun o 1am an had to get up be at work at 4am sat. so i get up an i hate my self, i was really tired,realy horny too. sorry richard i know you ahre hearing things like that!
off to work
for those who stayed this long an dont know my schedule i work three days a week for a minimum 12 hour a day, an i do graphic art an desiign, zgrat is there too!
so work was great we all had fun an stuff, i talked to richared for a mintue, an vblha blah blha,lets get to the good stuff, oh i made a porn of brother bear an one of those moose i gotta post it here
im nervous christina...youknwo why?
so now im off work my cell phone has decide tha tit wnats to finnaly switch companies an is arguing with them or something an so doesnt work.i head over to my friends house an shower shave an get ready for tonigh! the sg burlesque show!!!
im so stoked!!!!!!!
my cousin comes over an we leave for echo park!
we get there at 7:30 glad that everyone is still waiting in line an we cut thanks to mighty spork, art chick an zgrat!. with in a minute we are in side
reseal100 gets us a table an jed askes if he can get my cousin wasted, ure why not. we shmoose i see everyone of my friends from here ,your pretty much all on my list except trilyo, think thats it .
i hugg everyone an drin ,an smoke an have a really great time talking wth shalome!
bean you guys roock!
i mean you two so rock the fucking world. cutest couple aside from one,...but we will wait til march for that
the first band starts an they were pretty good if you like emo, the second band.... im sorry sucked!
i mean sucked.... the kinda suck were your tempted to just go bang the big gong an have securtiy haul them off stage like monkies pissing on themselves.
then the sg show started! wow it was fun i missed the frist two performances becase of all the fucking really tall ppl out in the front
'im 5' 9" an all these mf"s yeah scopitine! are so god damn huge!
i had to go an sit ON the bar an watch it!
brandy has an awesome figure!
i had never realised it before but she is hot! everyone go tell her she is!
after the show which i dont want to talk about to much becaseu i think they want to have a special on it.
i was really lonely, my girl wasnt there.
i leave with danni ,nathan, jed, richard, dang an jessica,an sean and a few other ppl to head to the members only SGLA party!!!!!!!!!
we drive through skid row la an get to the location, the fattest party crew has parties at this place if you like undergrounf jungle or house tropical house paty crew is a great party crew they throw some badass waves of fun an bring out fruit after ward!
rock on. i dance, an then dance a lil more. art chick has some killer moves!
my cousin was drunk an watching the dj just spin. cedar an i smoked alot..well not as much as we ususally do but a lot still , i had to give shalome a mighty hug for being really my inspriation to go for this next comming month/// damn! you infernal febuary!!!!!!!
maxx climbed into the freezer. an we just had a lil party, apparently alot of other ppl decided to go bowling or inthe case of the very gorgeous Sophiesassan her enterage of fellow beauties such as paige, wentt to a local bar for there safety im with holding said info
mohawks dress came off
it was fun
after that i drove danni home an my now sober an irrtaited cus back to his truck, i get some water n went to work by 4 am
i was dozzing of on my mac for a bit an then finnaly woke up when my freind nelson gave me tamales.
it was hard.... no sleep [ Z=? } an exhasution for two days ...then around nooon, zgrat the greatest guy ever saves my life!!!!!!! an lunna thanks you for that rich! by brigning me a red bull
this guy is awesome you all need to stop by an say hi to him he really has been a great friend to me lately . hes in to bozai 'ing tress isnt that amazing!
yes fuck you.
anyway, i, after work an stuff, i head home to start the long week i have off ( four days yeah!!!) an paloma calls saying she could have gone gives me about 5 minutres of guilt then says she loves me that im her best freind an tells me how much sex she had with this one guy, she just met again
then i ate, then christina called..or i call her,whaterver an we talk for ever!!! its not forever becaseu it goes by in minutes!'
28 days latert is not a great movie ppl, its a good an very visualy entertaining movie, at least until the army comes in then it sux! bad twist
so my current top ten ppl in sg who i know in real life are; an this is in no partciular order becaseu im to understand that jealousy ia a very bad,bad sign of the dark side of the force's influence. .
1)shalome becaseu she is just a great source of yes it will work an that her an bean together are just looking so hapy. thanks for the encouragement
1a) bean
same reason
for getting me more invovled into the whole sg thing ...even though i am afraid of getting zotted. oh yeah girl you left your organiser type thing in my car..its your right? i think it is....i dunno i dare not look inside might contain personal info.
let me know yes?
3)lunna-wow,your that tasty z-up after a great big burger.alwyas leaving me a with a smile on my face an very understanding with what im going throuh an the pain i have with ldrs acroos all the way to NJ,thanks babe ! hahaha! i mean doll face you really are amazing! an wed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oh shit an march again fuckin feburaury!!!!
3a) silencenoir shes is just so rad.
4)nursesugar- i have never met another person so mature an understaing in terms of responsibleness an did i mention shes a life fool not a buttersctch one the kind that brings you medicine an takes care of you when your sick! shes the best nurse ever an the best friend in matter of the heart a real good listiner an drinker!
an someone i allways want to have in my arsenal of friends.damn..........
-an awesome.... a bad ass mother fucker whos been just helping me out like no other, not to mention ladies hes single an hes got a tongue pirecing!!!!!!!!! yeah hes helping me with my nipple piercing an bringing me redbulls an laughing as my cousin makes a big ass out of himself were ever we go
6)DCLXVI-thief she stole my beanie!!!!! but shes gorgous an very very cool.
7)redseal100 -awesome for making me realsei the true power of gi joe an getting me back in th spiritula reality of COBRA, god my tatto rocks
7a) i guess ]Scopitone fits in here too....even though he was trying to pimp me out for drinks
8)shalome again???????yeah
9)ok this is a tie but i think ladolcevita
gets the 9 spot for being a great mutual friend! thanks a lot girl! maybe some day we can you scrabble!
9a) bossanova! go say hi to this very cute girl
rok on brother!
you missed out on some shinanigans!
11- well there are just to god damn many of you
can you tell im happy! lunna lunna an ok artchickyou rock too!
but lunna lunna
i know shalome an beann knowwhat i mean!
jade to thanks for the intro.
ok i know im forgetting alot of things but what ever this is the secon d time typing this shit!
so i love you lunna
you have come out of nowhere an just been the support keeping my wall from crumbling.thanks you oh so much.
so much.
well you caught this tiger by his toe what are you ever going to do now?
if i holler will you let me go?i hope not.
thnaks for dropping by!
my hats off to you. maybe my shorts too! haha
ok i had just written for about two hours into this here journal when i hit the backspace button to change a miss spelling an then tehe whole fucking thing went away, i hope i can write everything again , lets hope so yeah?
so the weekend.
heresa good recap:
thursday: ( yes the weeekend starts early in Los Angles)
got some blah blah done, an realised that i need somem ore braclets. so there they were glow in the dark blue rubber bracelets, it was like some sort of god was smiling on me. yeah i bought twelev total, it only set me back 2$ an a cigarette, my buddies girlfriend works htere, i s called red ballz in hollywood california!
anyways, after that i grabbed a quick drink ( coke you lushes) an headed over to my budddy marxx's home. i love you christina! i cant stop thinking about wed! i..i..uh yeah..i......t there was some great new thing he wanted to show off, so me an j. show up an the usual click was there.. i go into his garage an banm!
i see it. the resaon why everyone is so stoked!
there it is ... the original Donky Kong!!!
arcade stand an everyhting even the lil evil bear trap sictures are on the side
an it works!!!!!!
the thing is that the fucker weighs like 9785lbs, but we put it in his game room, an 10.00$ or 40 quaters later we figured out how to get it to work without money, thatk you internet.
he also put in a nother game onto the motherboard too., Mrs Pacman. The Greatest game ever!!!!! my personal fav.
i guess theres a lot of room on t ose hard drives.
anyway after that we realised that the idea of donky kong was a lot more fun then the game. now galaga thats somehting else!
geez christina im going to sing that depeche song everthting i ever need is hear in my arms song you know all i ever wanted.....
so i take off an do more blah blah, an i talk to some ppl an i end up going to a bar with some freinds an changing a flat tire, an calling some ppl.
i talk to nuresugar an we talk an we talk an you knw what shes wonderful.
so yeah i go to work at 4am on friday morning with 3 hours sleep. an i work an work, an meet up with zgrat, the bad ass freind of all time!
i find out that Paloma cant go to the sgla thing this saturday so i gave my extra ticket to jolene! who mind you had a fabulous time!!!! it seems a whole lot of you attendees thought she was suicide girl!!!! hahaha! she a grea tperson!
she was thrillled a i think she had great time! No i know she did!
i know that she will be on here really soon., i told her im naked on it an well i guess that was the final selling pooint! * news flash..this just in she just might just be a real suicide girl soon*~~~~~
friday night i finish work around 6pm ,i do dinner an blah blah up date a lil journal on here an call nursesugar an i proceed to pour out my whole self to her an all my feelings everyhting that is going in my world an my heart, an you know what she understood.
thats what real freinds do, in real i mean those freiends that are so close there family.
after that .she went to go save lives, an lunna called me.
perfection in its rawist form haha!
we talked about everyhting from the kitchen sink to city of lost children! an for those ppl who actualy saw this ovie an hated it ( which im guessing is some where around what 5 ppl in the continental united states) fuck you!!!!!!!!
your dumb. for those who havent seen it ,hating it is illegal an is a crime punishable by marshmellow aphexiation.
go see it it rocjks!
yeah lunna that was great talk, i loved every minute of it!
an i hope you enjoy your stay here in la!
yeah i talked for what....til 11pm, that was 3 hours with christina!
i then took a shower did the teeth thing ( i have to get one of my wisdom teeth pulled i think its cracked a lil ) i went to bed by i duun o 1am an had to get up be at work at 4am sat. so i get up an i hate my self, i was really tired,realy horny too. sorry richard i know you ahre hearing things like that!
off to work
for those who stayed this long an dont know my schedule i work three days a week for a minimum 12 hour a day, an i do graphic art an desiign, zgrat is there too!
so work was great we all had fun an stuff, i talked to richared for a mintue, an vblha blah blha,lets get to the good stuff, oh i made a porn of brother bear an one of those moose i gotta post it here
im nervous christina...youknwo why?
so now im off work my cell phone has decide tha tit wnats to finnaly switch companies an is arguing with them or something an so doesnt work.i head over to my friends house an shower shave an get ready for tonigh! the sg burlesque show!!!
im so stoked!!!!!!!
my cousin comes over an we leave for echo park!
we get there at 7:30 glad that everyone is still waiting in line an we cut thanks to mighty spork, art chick an zgrat!. with in a minute we are in side
reseal100 gets us a table an jed askes if he can get my cousin wasted, ure why not. we shmoose i see everyone of my friends from here ,your pretty much all on my list except trilyo, think thats it .
i hugg everyone an drin ,an smoke an have a really great time talking wth shalome!
bean you guys roock!
i mean you two so rock the fucking world. cutest couple aside from one,...but we will wait til march for that

the first band starts an they were pretty good if you like emo, the second band.... im sorry sucked!
i mean sucked.... the kinda suck were your tempted to just go bang the big gong an have securtiy haul them off stage like monkies pissing on themselves.
then the sg show started! wow it was fun i missed the frist two performances becase of all the fucking really tall ppl out in the front
'im 5' 9" an all these mf"s yeah scopitine! are so god damn huge!
i had to go an sit ON the bar an watch it!
brandy has an awesome figure!
i had never realised it before but she is hot! everyone go tell her she is!
after the show which i dont want to talk about to much becaseu i think they want to have a special on it.
i was really lonely, my girl wasnt there.
i leave with danni ,nathan, jed, richard, dang an jessica,an sean and a few other ppl to head to the members only SGLA party!!!!!!!!!
we drive through skid row la an get to the location, the fattest party crew has parties at this place if you like undergrounf jungle or house tropical house paty crew is a great party crew they throw some badass waves of fun an bring out fruit after ward!
rock on. i dance, an then dance a lil more. art chick has some killer moves!
my cousin was drunk an watching the dj just spin. cedar an i smoked alot..well not as much as we ususally do but a lot still , i had to give shalome a mighty hug for being really my inspriation to go for this next comming month/// damn! you infernal febuary!!!!!!!
maxx climbed into the freezer. an we just had a lil party, apparently alot of other ppl decided to go bowling or inthe case of the very gorgeous Sophiesassan her enterage of fellow beauties such as paige, wentt to a local bar for there safety im with holding said info

mohawks dress came off
it was fun
after that i drove danni home an my now sober an irrtaited cus back to his truck, i get some water n went to work by 4 am
i was dozzing of on my mac for a bit an then finnaly woke up when my freind nelson gave me tamales.
it was hard.... no sleep [ Z=? } an exhasution for two days ...then around nooon, zgrat the greatest guy ever saves my life!!!!!!! an lunna thanks you for that rich! by brigning me a red bull
this guy is awesome you all need to stop by an say hi to him he really has been a great friend to me lately . hes in to bozai 'ing tress isnt that amazing!
yes fuck you.
anyway, i, after work an stuff, i head home to start the long week i have off ( four days yeah!!!) an paloma calls saying she could have gone gives me about 5 minutres of guilt then says she loves me that im her best freind an tells me how much sex she had with this one guy, she just met again
then i ate, then christina called..or i call her,whaterver an we talk for ever!!! its not forever becaseu it goes by in minutes!'
28 days latert is not a great movie ppl, its a good an very visualy entertaining movie, at least until the army comes in then it sux! bad twist
so my current top ten ppl in sg who i know in real life are; an this is in no partciular order becaseu im to understand that jealousy ia a very bad,bad sign of the dark side of the force's influence. .
1)shalome becaseu she is just a great source of yes it will work an that her an bean together are just looking so hapy. thanks for the encouragement
1a) bean
same reason
for getting me more invovled into the whole sg thing ...even though i am afraid of getting zotted. oh yeah girl you left your organiser type thing in my car..its your right? i think it is....i dunno i dare not look inside might contain personal info.
let me know yes?
3)lunna-wow,your that tasty z-up after a great big burger.alwyas leaving me a with a smile on my face an very understanding with what im going throuh an the pain i have with ldrs acroos all the way to NJ,thanks babe ! hahaha! i mean doll face you really are amazing! an wed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oh shit an march again fuckin feburaury!!!!
3a) silencenoir shes is just so rad.
4)nursesugar- i have never met another person so mature an understaing in terms of responsibleness an did i mention shes a life fool not a buttersctch one the kind that brings you medicine an takes care of you when your sick! shes the best nurse ever an the best friend in matter of the heart a real good listiner an drinker!
an someone i allways want to have in my arsenal of friends.damn..........
-an awesome.... a bad ass mother fucker whos been just helping me out like no other, not to mention ladies hes single an hes got a tongue pirecing!!!!!!!!! yeah hes helping me with my nipple piercing an bringing me redbulls an laughing as my cousin makes a big ass out of himself were ever we go
6)DCLXVI-thief she stole my beanie!!!!! but shes gorgous an very very cool.
7)redseal100 -awesome for making me realsei the true power of gi joe an getting me back in th spiritula reality of COBRA, god my tatto rocks
7a) i guess ]Scopitone fits in here too....even though he was trying to pimp me out for drinks
8)shalome again???????yeah
9)ok this is a tie but i think ladolcevita
gets the 9 spot for being a great mutual friend! thanks a lot girl! maybe some day we can you scrabble!
9a) bossanova! go say hi to this very cute girl
rok on brother!
you missed out on some shinanigans!
11- well there are just to god damn many of you
can you tell im happy! lunna lunna an ok artchickyou rock too!
but lunna lunna
i know shalome an beann knowwhat i mean!
jade to thanks for the intro.
ok i know im forgetting alot of things but what ever this is the secon d time typing this shit!
so i love you lunna
you have come out of nowhere an just been the support keeping my wall from crumbling.thanks you oh so much.
so much.
well you caught this tiger by his toe what are you ever going to do now?
if i holler will you let me go?i hope not.












thnaks for dropping by!
I admit it, I started to scan after a while
Hope you're well
you sound it, love will do that for a person I suppose
sounds like you're doing well.