Alriiighty I finally went and saw my drawings today and boy, I am sooo dissappointed.
She has had 2 months to come up with the design we discussed for almost half an hour, and all she has come up with were tracings of two of the drawings I had given her as examples, and a castle. And that's it...just individual tracings, all stuck together and nothing else. I was almost shocked. Tammy, the lady who served me, obviously saw my dissappointment and asked me if I liked what she had done so far, to which I replied "It's not nearly as developed as I thought it would be or wanted it, this has barely even been started". I got the whole "Oh Cathy's really busy" crap which I understand but TWO MONTHS... I could have done it myself. I held back the $100 drawing fee I owed her and told Tammy I would call Cathy on Friday and got through with her what I wanted again, in case she had forgotten. If I get nothing better out of her this time I will seriously consider going to see Paul Braniff....
My little sis and I have to go see my grandparents tomorrow, which I'm kinda not looking forward to. My grandparents have been incredibly good to me and I love them to bits- they spent almost $35k on my high schooling, but they are so sick and senile now I know I will come out of it feeling depressed and crap like last time. It's the whole "Oh what if grandad dies tomorrow etc etc" thing for me now, he has been in hospital more times than I can remember and I even missed Muse in 04 by being by his bedside when they thought he was going... I haven't seen them since Brayden was born 4 months ago so we figured it was time to go again. Thank god though we are going to mum's for dinner afterwards so we can shorten our visit as much as possible. It sounds mean I know, but I like to avoid things that make me feel like shit, even if it is my own family
But anyhoo I gave some wise words to someone last night and they loved it so much they told me to post it - so here it is, lol. "Be happy about where you are going and not sad for where you have been"..Not much wise stuff comes out of me so I'm kinda proud of this one
Am really looking forward to bowling again on Sunday night
I had such a ball (no pun intended
) last week so I can't wait for the next one. The fingers on my right hand are still all bruised from last Sunday, haha. It was so good to meet more people again
Anyhoo I have soo much shit to do *sigh* Stu gets home tonight finally so I won't be home alone for a few days hopefully, lol. We are still keeping our eyes open for a new housemate so if you know of anyone just give me a yell

My little sis and I have to go see my grandparents tomorrow, which I'm kinda not looking forward to. My grandparents have been incredibly good to me and I love them to bits- they spent almost $35k on my high schooling, but they are so sick and senile now I know I will come out of it feeling depressed and crap like last time. It's the whole "Oh what if grandad dies tomorrow etc etc" thing for me now, he has been in hospital more times than I can remember and I even missed Muse in 04 by being by his bedside when they thought he was going... I haven't seen them since Brayden was born 4 months ago so we figured it was time to go again. Thank god though we are going to mum's for dinner afterwards so we can shorten our visit as much as possible. It sounds mean I know, but I like to avoid things that make me feel like shit, even if it is my own family

But anyhoo I gave some wise words to someone last night and they loved it so much they told me to post it - so here it is, lol. "Be happy about where you are going and not sad for where you have been"..Not much wise stuff comes out of me so I'm kinda proud of this one

Am really looking forward to bowling again on Sunday night

Anyhoo I have soo much shit to do *sigh* Stu gets home tonight finally so I won't be home alone for a few days hopefully, lol. We are still keeping our eyes open for a new housemate so if you know of anyone just give me a yell

It hurts so much to see them like that. Good for you for actually going and seeing him. Lots of people wouldn't. Keep it short and sweet, it makes it easier to manage.
Sorry to hear about your drawings. I wondered how you were going today. Busy or not, you expect something after 2 months of waiting.
At least you have bowling to look forward to!
Take Care.
And that really, really sucks about the tattoo drafts not even being close to done. Take your business elsewhere - these guys obviously don't need the cash that bad.