I have been horrible at blogging on the site, but I would really like to change that. So trying out the SG homework and figured this was the best topic to start off on.. @missy @lyxzen @rambo
4/3: 10 Random Facts About You:
1. I am obsessed with sci-fi flicks and books for the matter. Have been for as long as I can remember. X Files and Battlestar Galactica being my favorites (so excited about the January come back btw)
2. I was born with a crazy heart condition called a double aortic arch, luckily it was fixed but I recently learned that anyone born with pretty much any kind of heart condition is considered to have congenital heart disease.
3. I learned of SG in 2005 on myspace when I was about fourteen and joined the site in 2009 at 18. I am literally 18 in my very first set "Liquid Sky"
4. I recently just had my first child in May. It has definitely been one of the most humbling experiences of my life having a son. (Back to the sic-fi obsession his name is Fox)
5. Besides Sci-fi other things I obsess over are the following; Avatar & Korra series, nutella, Drake, and coffee.
6. I am in school to become an Archaeologist. My plan is to travel a bit and do some expeditions, but eventually be a museum curator. I fucking love museums.. my expertise is in Ancient Civilizations
7. Metal is my shit. Doom, Thrash, Death, Heavy, Black, Drone. All that is heavy and Emperor and Sabbath are GOD.
8. I'm a quarter of a century old.. which is fucking weird to say out loud.
9. I dabble in landscape photography and shoot a lot of model friends for fun.
10. I collect vinyl and vintage books. Intellectual property is everything. Don't really fuck around with downloadable music or books, I like to kick it old school.
Who plans on attending Hell City Phoenix? I know quite a few of us AZ SG girls plan on going so I hope to see you babes there!
Leaving you with my Summer Jam <3