School starts on Monday and i'm scared as hell...I haven't been to school in forever so i will have to get back into it right...I never went to high school i was also in independent study's, which made me just hate people but i'm getting better at smiling..
I just need to work on my social skills like maybe start talking and not being a zombie with no emotions cause that's what i feel like now with all these medications that i have to take...
I miss Michael, he left for LA on Friday and now i'v lost my everything and don't know what do except sleep....I'm glad school is starting so i can finally quit starbucks and blowing people j.k.....
I can;t wait to have a job that pays good so i can buy a house and never have to move back with my parents,,,,,
Today i went to my aunt's 50 birthday (she was so drunk by the time i got there) and my uncle asked me if i was gothic, isn;t that funny..I just laughed and asked him why he asked me that...He said, "cause your wearing all black" then i said," no it;s cause my mom yelled at me for dressing like a hippie so i put a dress on that happened to be black lol."
Sorry if i messed up on words i just got my new powerbook so it's hard to type, but i'll get better...
I just need to work on my social skills like maybe start talking and not being a zombie with no emotions cause that's what i feel like now with all these medications that i have to take...
I miss Michael, he left for LA on Friday and now i'v lost my everything and don't know what do except sleep....I'm glad school is starting so i can finally quit starbucks and blowing people j.k.....
I can;t wait to have a job that pays good so i can buy a house and never have to move back with my parents,,,,,
Today i went to my aunt's 50 birthday (she was so drunk by the time i got there) and my uncle asked me if i was gothic, isn;t that funny..I just laughed and asked him why he asked me that...He said, "cause your wearing all black" then i said," no it;s cause my mom yelled at me for dressing like a hippie so i put a dress on that happened to be black lol."
Sorry if i messed up on words i just got my new powerbook so it's hard to type, but i'll get better...
haha the story about yer uncle and mom was rather amusing
im sorry you miss the boy youll be back together soon enough im sure
i have pictures in my favorites...well i have lots of randoms too but whatever, god i haven't been on here forever and here i am looking at naked girls in the school library,
<3 hurry up and get out of class.