Something amazing happened today!! Oh -k-, so its not the most amazing thing but it made me happy.
I finally finished me Tokidoki THE MOOFIA collection!
Confused... Its a dairy mafia. Cutest thing I've ever seen. And now I own all the dairy! I also own the leader of the gang Mozzarella and I need to get her boyfriend Bulletto to really complete the whole thing. Some of you will be even more confused but I'm gonna leave you guys on the short bus and upgrade myself.
So when I got out the shower today... I noticed that I adore my nipples. Bit by bit I'm falling in love with my body. its a good feeling. I think I have freckles on my back... I don't know. Can black people have freckles...? I always forget to have someone look when I'm wearing something where they can see it but oh well. I'll figure that out.
So, I feel really good today. I had five simultaneous sms/text conversations going on today.It was extreme. I talked to someone I haven't spoken to in a long time. She ran away to California, and now she's back having recovered from the reason she left. We are gonna try and get together next week. Hang out take photos, all that jazz. I don't wanna sound awkward but she's a plump girl. I love it. I couldn't see her any other way. While we were chatting she asked what I thought about collaborating on a 'zine together. I was like... FUCK YAH! That would be cool, to even like start working on. Even if it doesn't work out. It sound wonderful.
I need to get some funds together, so I can get some art easels or something. I want to work on art.
Strapya World
I like checking out random websites and this one is a cool shop with a shit ton of Japanese mobile charms. Its funny. This site has some things that will make you go, huh... and some that will make you say... Oh those Japanese.
I'm a little bit to addicted to being blond. Someone one stop me. Tell me I'm black! I can't find like any black chicks with blond hair and I mean blond. Almost champagne hair. I don't want to be the only one... But I want to at the same time.
I wanna watch some Daria. I love Tom and Trent.
If you didn't know where I decided to be Tom from, he's one of the reasons.
FRIGGIN' AWESOME is one way.
It's an all right place. It was way way cooler 10, 12 years ago. Ironically, before all the natives left and were replaced by folks from across the country looking to experience some of that contemporary bohemian lifestyle the city was notorious for. I swear most of the people I know now are from Chicago and parts of Canada.