<3 Pistolita
Hahahaha WOW! that was awesome, just hope you didn't hit him too hard 

I was in Pasadena a couple of years ago for work during Halloween. I was sitting in a restaurant in a window booth with a couple of guys I work with when walking down the street came this impossibly hot girl with this short skinny dude on her arm. She had 3 inches on him and he weighted maybe 110 pounds wet. Anyway, my coworkers and I were gawking at this girl. It really couldn't be helped. As they walked by and I turned my head to look at her ass (because I figured if I was going to be a douche bag I would commit to it fully) the dude turns and looks at me, gives his girl a deep ass grab, and blows me a kiss. It was the coolest thing I've ever seen. This video is definitely in that spirit.