In typical military fashion its a big hurry up and wait game, I've got all the gear I needed to turn in taken care of and my bags pretty much packed. I'm pretty much living out of my sea bag so that all I have to do is throw a few things into it haul ass. The flying back to the state on Thursday is starting to look like a red herring, and the key volunteer network (which keeps the wives informed of things) hasn't got a clue as to when we're actually going to be getting home making any kind of planning very difficult. All I know is that I'm going to wait until the last minute to have my internet shut off so that I have some kind of life line back home.
On another note I retook my Fleet Marine Force oral examination today after failing it simply due to such short notice and passed it, I now no longer have the 18 month window to qualify hovering over my head waiting to slam me for not getting it done. As of right now I'm not planning on staying in simply due to how difficult it is when you leave someone behind, but at the same time I don't want to have some sort of negative evaluation following me around in the event that I do decide to stay in. Who knows, I personally feel like I've gotten as much out of the military as I need to for now and its time to take back control of my life, besides right now the new GI bill for furthering my education kicks serious ass and I'd be a fool not to go after it.
Standing by for further orders in Okinawa.......
is it time to go yet?
On another note I retook my Fleet Marine Force oral examination today after failing it simply due to such short notice and passed it, I now no longer have the 18 month window to qualify hovering over my head waiting to slam me for not getting it done. As of right now I'm not planning on staying in simply due to how difficult it is when you leave someone behind, but at the same time I don't want to have some sort of negative evaluation following me around in the event that I do decide to stay in. Who knows, I personally feel like I've gotten as much out of the military as I need to for now and its time to take back control of my life, besides right now the new GI bill for furthering my education kicks serious ass and I'd be a fool not to go after it.
Standing by for further orders in Okinawa.......
is it time to go yet?

and yes, the military can fuck up a wet dream, let alone sending a man home to his wife.
get back to the ranch safe pete.