WE'VE BEEN INVADED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So... There we were going in to get bedding for our little piggies and what should be at our not so local Petsmart but some of the cutest little guys ready for adoption. WhiteWidow instantly fell in love. Its no secret that we've been wanting a couple kitties for a while, what is a secret is that we're not supposed to have them in our current housing situation.
We've both been missing having a cat around and once we saw these two (brother and sister) we knew that they had found new owners. We're jumping the gun a little bit on things since we wanted to wait till we were actually moved into our new house but these guys were all ready to go and we just signed most of the final paperwork on our house. Escrow is supposed to close on the 23rd, but there are a few things the seller needs to take care of before its all said and done. Everything is starting to look good on our end and we're really excited about having to move out of military housing and into something we can call our own. More to follow later.

So... There we were going in to get bedding for our little piggies and what should be at our not so local Petsmart but some of the cutest little guys ready for adoption. WhiteWidow instantly fell in love. Its no secret that we've been wanting a couple kitties for a while, what is a secret is that we're not supposed to have them in our current housing situation.

Happy belated B-day!!!

I totally suck for missing calling you on your Birthday, but I didn't actually forget.
Hopefully you and Candy will have a new place to live and congratulations on the newest members of the family. Kitties!
I'll talk to you later about Grampy's memorial and the road trip I took to the Olympic Peninsula with Nicole and the kids... Oh, you'll have to come over too so you can claim some Birthday loot!