DAMNIT!!!!! I just spent the last 15 min updating only to have it screw up, kind of pisses me off but what the hell can I do about it now....
I'm sure that if you've been following my lovely wife's journal (I still refuse to call it a blog) you have a pretty good idea of how "smoothly"
things have been going here. I've been lucky if I can even come home during the week lately.
I'm pretty fed up with the way a lot of things have been handled, but I've been very fortunate to have a run in with someone that actually gives a shit about how things are going for people even if they are in a student statius or we both would be in pretty bad shape right now. Our house is coming together slowly but surely, I spent the better part of the evening going through boxes of clothes that I've forgotten about (and will continue to miss because WhiteWidow is going to steal them).
Needless to say both of us are pretty looped right now, there are not one but two dead soldiers in the kitchen and I've been told that I have to go make more (even if this means I have to break into my private stash sooner then later). Well one thing is for sure I've earned my drink tonight, I had to run the Marine's Force RECON trails up the side of the mountain this morning and my legs are still pretty sore. (No sympathy from the wife since she's gone through Canada's version of field med training (and from the sounds of it there are a lot of things that are more cool on their course).
Well I've got to run the rum is calling and our glasses are empty.
I'm sure that if you've been following my lovely wife's journal (I still refuse to call it a blog) you have a pretty good idea of how "smoothly"

I'm pretty fed up with the way a lot of things have been handled, but I've been very fortunate to have a run in with someone that actually gives a shit about how things are going for people even if they are in a student statius or we both would be in pretty bad shape right now. Our house is coming together slowly but surely, I spent the better part of the evening going through boxes of clothes that I've forgotten about (and will continue to miss because WhiteWidow is going to steal them).
Needless to say both of us are pretty looped right now, there are not one but two dead soldiers in the kitchen and I've been told that I have to go make more (even if this means I have to break into my private stash sooner then later). Well one thing is for sure I've earned my drink tonight, I had to run the Marine's Force RECON trails up the side of the mountain this morning and my legs are still pretty sore. (No sympathy from the wife since she's gone through Canada's version of field med training (and from the sounds of it there are a lot of things that are more cool on their course).
Well I've got to run the rum is calling and our glasses are empty.
Just reading over this journal today makes me feel icky (hmmmm - wonder why?)