My soul hurts. Seeing her today, she was so beautiful. Even more than I had remembered.What was the most painful was after all the legal wrangling, there was this awkward moment where she stuck out her hand with her lip quivering, her eyes full of unshed tears. I reached out and pulled her close, crushing her to my chest. It was incredible how quickly it...
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Dude, thats hard but I understand. I wasn't married but coming out my last relationship like almost 2 years ago now. I totally felt how you felt. Everything around her and I was brutally painful but even when we hugged goodbye it still felt right. I think that's natural. You're still comfortable there and you spent probably a lot of time together and made your lives fit in to one piece. You'll get over it. I did. I'm still friends with her brother and her sister and have to see her occasionally due to that. We talk and its cordial but now that I've moved on to someone else who is an amazingly better person overall I look back at that and think to myself, I'm glad its over. I'm not going to say it will be easy but you'll get through it.
Well, it's been a while since I updated this thing so I thought I'd bring the world up to date on the doings of my modest life. I let the girl ink me up the other day. It was one of the most intimate moments I could share with someone. Actually it was about 3 and a half hours in the chair.
It'd been about...
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It'd been about...
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Sooo fucking bored! I've got to find work soon. I'm climbing the walls. I'm starting to get depressed at not being able to contribute much to paying the bills. I do have a little bit of good news however.I'm being sent to a leadership school and then I have my two weeks of guard training within a week and a half of each other. It...
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hi boy 

congrats man!
Hello world. Not much to report. Things are going--- Not badly, but there is certainly room for improvement. The relationship with The Girl is going very well. I despise the fact that getting to spend time with her is such a rarity, but that should be changing fairly soon. When it does all the world will know as I'll be screaming for joy at the...
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Score! I got to spend the night with The Girl! It was wonderful. It was great to see that there's still some magic in the Dave wand. The Girl sure thought so. ^.^ She bragged to all her friends about it. My male ego is ten feet tall and bulletproof right now. Almost as good as the phenomenal naked time was the emotional bliss of...
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balls to bones, huh?
Aaargh! Baby mama drama! Make it stop! Like I don't have enough to deal with right now. First I get laid off from work. Then I don't get to spend xmas with my daughter or the girl who's taken ownership of my heart. Now I get this shit?
You know some days I hope that there is a god. That way when I die and...
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You know some days I hope that there is a god. That way when I die and...
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Well dear reader, so far so good with the girl situation. She and I are getting on superbly. The whole thing with her going to see the recruiters... Well I think that we'll burn that bridge when we get to it. For now we're content to simply enjoy the fleeting moments that we can steal together. She rocks my world. I didn't think that anyone...
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I realized last night that I've never received incredible, eye-popping, toe-curling, mind-blowing oral sex. This makes me sad.
So much for hoping that I'd be done with the divorce last week. First the case before mine ran over so that postponed the trial. Then last week as devilsreject would say someone brought a herd of drama llamas into the front yard. The long and short of it is that my soon-to-be-ex-wife had a mental break down and got picked up with some meth....
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this may sound really bad but KICK ASS she got picked up with meth. That totally strengthens your case. Stay strong (and sober), it may take a while, but keep being the awesome father.
Just let her continue to show her true colors, it takes a while, believe me, but eventually they come to light, you just have to be patient enough to wait for it.
Just let her continue to show her true colors, it takes a while, believe me, but eventually they come to light, you just have to be patient enough to wait for it.
you will succeed, i know it.