I'm hours away from being 23... lucky me.

I finally got to do it! Yay for head and sex!

I absolutely adore the smell of grape kool-aid.

Tomorrow: House of Blues in anaheim for late lunch/early dinner

Tonight: sleep... hopefully. That is if the baby boy will stay quiet.

happy birthday!! biggrin
Happy birthday, baby! kiss
What a cute profile pic.
Listening to Ambush Makeover... The shitiest show in the world. These "agents" suck ass. They are so rude.

Putting away dishes.

Microwaving veggie burgers for meatless tacos with wheat torties and cheese and salsa.

barking dog

sleeping baby boy

my birthday is on sunday I want to go get my hair done

that picture is from last year when I had bangs... It was prolly...
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I'm moving this weekend and probably won't have my computer hooked up, so I just wanted to say an early Happy Birthday! I hope you have a good one and take pictures!

PS...your veggie burger meatless tacos sound like a pretty good idea. biggrin
my boobies are sore.

breast pumps are retarded and they try and kill your nipples. bitches.

I have chin hairs. that's no good.

netflix could possibly be the coolest thing on the planet. my birthday is in 1 week. I dunno what I'm doing.

have to go pluck the aforementioned chin hairs. whatever

I got a new computer and the keyboard that came with it has spacebar issues. So, If something doesn't have a space and it should... It's not my fault. Because I shouldn't have to proofread my fucking journal. Bitches!

IT is so nice outside I could pee.

My birthday is in 10days. Holy hell. I reallydidn't know that shit was comingup that fast. I have...
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fantastic wink
what are you doing for yo' birthday sweetcheeks?
hopefully much debauchery.
hello kids!

This weekend was awesome. I hung out with my family all day on Easter. Went to church did thewhole sha-bang. it was nice... I hadn't been in 5 years eeek . Came back to church with tattoos and a brand new baby. It was a good time. Then my family cameover and we bbq'd then had a picnic outside it was kick ass. I...
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a sleeping baby is the best kind. Now I can type with two hands! imagine all of the things I will get done!
I went to the dr. on tues. I lost 17 pounds! kick ass! only like 20 to go before the wedding in september. I can totally do that! My house is overrun with baby stuff. that is crazy. this time last year...
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hi how are you....your journal is so much fun to read...

your baby is beautiful
I know all about sleeping babies being the best. When my daughter was little her sleeping schedule was all screwed up. She was backwards for the first month and a half of her life. It sucked. It was so hard to get stuff done.

Sorry to hear about your dad's health problems. I hope you can talk him into getting checked out. Men can be so stubborn sometimes. ARRR!!!
Last night was quite possibly the hardest night of my life. My son decided he wouldn't sleep from 12:00p to 4:00a not good times.
But all is well now. sitting at the computer listening to Talking heads .. our house in the middle of the street, drinking copius amounts of h2o. wanting a cheese snack but petrified to move so as not to disturb...
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hahah! you're boob leaked. if that happened to me i would've done the same thing. of course the town i live in the women here would probably raise a fuss or something.

A.I.!! i started watching it again this season. Last season was horrible. I'm in love with Bo Bice and Constantine, but who isn't. Oh and Nadia. how awesome did she look this week? Hawk and all.
St Patrick's day yay!

Happy 17th of March to you all. wink It's green!
I just woke up an hour and a half ago... That's so late!
I went to sleep last night at 9:30p then slept till 9:30a not really... I did have to wake up 4 times to feed the baby boy but all in all I got almost 9 1/2 hours of sleep!...
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Congratulations on the baby!!!! biggrin
You are so sweet! What a hot mama!! love
it'd never get through customs but I'll take it! haha!

i hope youre doing okay avec the wee one
Today I took a 30 minute walk with my dog and my son. It was awesome. I love outside. It was such a beautiful day...

Dear San Diego... I love you. Please quit with the rain. Please keep having these beautiful days so I can go outside.

Thank you,

So... motherhood is still fantastic. I absolutely love being a mom.

It smells like cat...
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i know i miss my journal entries too.
i've been hectic lately.
Tubular update coming shortly. smile

Glad you're having good days though darlin'.
so.. i'm a mom now.

That is crazy!

he is beautiful.

I love him

I miss sleep.

The only thing keeping me alive (other than the obvious) is Godiva dark chocolate truffles. yumm.

In a couple of weeks I will go to Old Town and get a margarita that is bigger than my face to drink then the baby boy will be drunked up by...
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pictures! pictures!

Your little guy is adorable! smile
Dear Today:

Fuck off.

a pregnant pixie
u crack me up!