It took more this coming, my set will air Sunday, Much like the opnion of you is very important to me, so I hope you like it, hope it can turn pink, will be a dream come true, and I'm sure the dream of all girls, I cheer for them too.
My set this closer than ever, changed the date now and March 16, hopefully get to become an SG, for me is a dream come true, to make more I'll need all the support, hope you enjoy. <3
Today the set out of the beautiful redhead @ poupeedeluxe and she will need a lot <3 I'm sure you will not regret it.
Obrigada a todos que me seguem espero que estejam gostando dos meus post , e so pra lembrar que meu Set sai dia 15 de março, nao vejo a hora, vai chegando o dia e vou ficando mais ansiosa *---*
<3 <3
O Conjunto da @ Paulinha saiu, e ela precisa de muito <3 <3 <3