If Shai La-fuckin-Beouf is Yorick I will consider carving off my left tit and hunting these people down Amazon style.
On a lighter note, We've had a lovely bank holiday weekend. Got to see Mikey for 2 whole days! woop!
Today I have made carrot cake, tonight we'll have stew and dumplings.
I know its only half way through the week, but i'm quite excited as this friday Narshada and myself will be helping theknives and kristoph celebrate their engagement!
Roll on the weekend?? I wish I hadn't said that, the weekend rolled over me. I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself as i'm ill. I have a head full on cotton wool and its trying to escape through my eyes and nose.... nice.
I had to wake up to let work, and my lift to work, know that I wasn't going in, and now... Read More
Server went down at work yesterday... 4 hours of not being able to do anything! It was great watching the boss squirm because he could tell us to do anything...... hehehheeee
Today is John's Birthday (he's a welsh guy that Mike works with, he is currently staying with us while he finds a place in bristol) I'm baking him a cake - a Chocolate and Caramel toffee checked cake I've bought 2 loaf tins and i'm quite excited by the whole idea!
I keep joking to people that I'm having a pre-mid-life-crisis! I'm not, but I've been in a really strange mood just recently. I'm not sure where this feeling has come from, I'm actually really happy at the moment. Married Life is suiting me, I got to see my friends and Family back home at the begining of the month, and even though my job isn't... Read More
Awh honey, hope you are ok? Its the time of the year, its crap and cold and we are all just waiting for summer!! Hopefully me and the boy will try get down to see you later this year xx
I now have to make the decision of: going to bed with a cup of tea, or going in the bath. Its just so cold!! I shall definitely be getting the insulation stuff out this weekend, and putting up the thick curtains!