aw, i'm sorry dude. i've resigned myself that some nipples just don't want metal in 'em - i guess you and i are both in that club.
on a different topic though, check this out - didn't a certain ex-boyfriend of yours have this on his palm pilot? Didn't he claim to have written it for a high school class or something? Hmmm...
saw batman today, actually got out of the house. tomorrow sending in the resume finally! woot! apparently my old place of work is hiring for positions higher than what i was doing... hopefully i can get myself a job and make more money than i was before. oh yeah that would be nice. oh well... off to drink some malibu rum. woot
new rutine, wake up about 5, play on the computer, cook some food, take a shower at some point, at least 3 times cleaning new piercing, watch lots of cartoons, and probably have some beers..... i wonder how long it will take for me to be bored with this newly found schedule.
good news, one of the kittens was given to miss Mia, hopefully... Read More
so what has pinki been up to since she has been laid off... drunk! drunk! got a new piercing (was gonna go for both nipples, but since i almost passed out, second one is put off for a few days) and tonite.... more drunk! oh yes!
Oh good, so I'm selling off a piece of my and your misery on ebay right now! haha.
I'll be heading to Germany, Bavaria to be exact. My boyfriend, ZPO gets leave for a little while and he can't re-enter the US because of tax stuff. So we're going on a European Vacation.
Boise is having an awesome week making people jobless! bleh. HIIIIIIIIIII. I had fun hanging out with you at ST3PO's birthday party. yes. You should call me this weekend. We don't have jobs, neat.. kind of.
so not only did i get my pda, my nintendo ds, and my cell phone stolen. now my laptop is shitting out on me. i think its just the ac adapter that shit out on me. or at least i hope. i already need a new fucking battery for it.
and i'm not even gonna get into my other problems with shit. yeah,... Read More
yeah i've been busy. planning trips and such. which i fucking can't afford. but apparently i'm still going anyway. so heads up, pinki will be in portland and seattle july 23rd through the 25th. if any crazy people want to go to sounds of the underground in seattle let me know so i can have somebody to talk to. i'm driving up some metal heads.... Read More
well frack!
but hey i hope the trips go well. and that people donate to a lovely pinki
hehe <3
id say hello but hah.
nekkid chicks
but his is hotter than like well hell!
i would so buy that for you if i could lovely
oooer kitties!!!!!! <3
theyre almost as cute as pinkis!!!!!
a part of recent conversation... are some people really that ignorant.
ok i remember when i was a kid and thought that some people that got stds did in fact deserve it. like people that cheated on their wives, and may have contracted HIV. but yeah, i've grown up a lot since then. yes people that cheat and lie and steal do deserve bad things... Read More
i recently saw a poster on campus that said "even if you were seriously intoxicated, wearing a mini-skirt with no panties and a see-through top, and fell into a guy's lap... no means no". i liked it.