My new kitty is still sick. He is getting better, but he has thrush in his ears and a really hard to treat upper respiratory infection.
However, both kitties are absolutely wonderful. They're getting along, and Gumdrop (sick kitty) was an angel with the vet. She commented on how calm and good-natured he is, saying that normally when she does as much to a cat as she did they're ready to claw her eyes out. Gumdrop only had his back claws out to try to get traction to jump off the exam table.
That said, if either of them wanted to catch the occasional ant that wanders in, I wouldn't object. *EDIT: As soon as I typed that, I noticed Cheddar stalking an ant. However, she is quite content just playing with it and not eating it.
Rehearsal for the play I'm in started tonight, and I'm enjoying my castmates and the director. The blocking is a little weird, as it's very dialogue heavy, and making it visually interesting for the audience will be difficult, but I think we can nail it soon.
I miss the kids I worked with terribly, but I'm ready to start my student teaching next week.
However, both kitties are absolutely wonderful. They're getting along, and Gumdrop (sick kitty) was an angel with the vet. She commented on how calm and good-natured he is, saying that normally when she does as much to a cat as she did they're ready to claw her eyes out. Gumdrop only had his back claws out to try to get traction to jump off the exam table.
That said, if either of them wanted to catch the occasional ant that wanders in, I wouldn't object. *EDIT: As soon as I typed that, I noticed Cheddar stalking an ant. However, she is quite content just playing with it and not eating it.
Rehearsal for the play I'm in started tonight, and I'm enjoying my castmates and the director. The blocking is a little weird, as it's very dialogue heavy, and making it visually interesting for the audience will be difficult, but I think we can nail it soon.
I miss the kids I worked with terribly, but I'm ready to start my student teaching next week.
Good luck with both the play and your student teaching(not that you'll need it in either case
