Some updates:
I lost my full-time job that I adored because of a coworker who I hate. She got fired too, but that's of little consolation.
I lost my cat, who died suddenly- one day she was eating and drinking and playing, the next morning she was dead on my dining room floor.
I am trying dating again. That's kind of mediocre. I've had a couple of lame dates and a couple of okay dates, but haven't really connected with anyone, certainly not the way I connected with the guy I was seeing at the beginning of this year. But he and I are still friends, and I value his friendship and am mostly okay with not being anything more. No sense wasting time pining, right? As an aside, I'm fish-sitting for him while he's in Qatar for the summer. That makes two men who I'm no longer dating whose apartments I have keys for... that proves I'm not a bunny boiler, right?
I just got back from an audition for a local play festival. I think I did well, I'm going back tomorrow night to read some more for the directors.
I got another cat on Friday. I was dead set against another cat. There was no cat alive who would be as wonderful as Velvet was. I couldn't cheapen her memory by getting another cat so soon. I drove past the shelter on my way home from work and decided that maybe I could just browse, and check out the cats they had in... Five minutes later (if that), I had this:
in my arms and purring. The shelter had named her Sunshine, though currently I am calling her The Cheddar Shedder because she has covered my home in a fine layer of cheese-colored fur. She is also Lady Marmalade on occasion. She grooms me while I sleep, purrs as soon as I touch her, and has made herself quite at home in the last two days.
I have been writing more stand-up. I plan to perform when I have a 20 minute set to pick my best material from.
I have been gardening... I planted strawberries, tomatoes, yellow bell peppers, purple bell peppers, fajita bell peppers (which I am really excited about), and have beets and lettuce to plant tomorrow afternoon.
I have been working- the church job, at the store, and two babysitting jobs. I'm also doing a practicum this summer for school, and taking classes in person again this fall semester. I will graduate next May.
I am being as pragmatic as possible. I loved that job, I loved most of the people I worked with, I loved my kids. But I have an opportunity now to live for myself, better myself, and get a lot done. I can't say I don't have times when I'm downright depressed about no longer being employed for that organization, but I know that I can make the best of this.
I lost my full-time job that I adored because of a coworker who I hate. She got fired too, but that's of little consolation.
I lost my cat, who died suddenly- one day she was eating and drinking and playing, the next morning she was dead on my dining room floor.
I am trying dating again. That's kind of mediocre. I've had a couple of lame dates and a couple of okay dates, but haven't really connected with anyone, certainly not the way I connected with the guy I was seeing at the beginning of this year. But he and I are still friends, and I value his friendship and am mostly okay with not being anything more. No sense wasting time pining, right? As an aside, I'm fish-sitting for him while he's in Qatar for the summer. That makes two men who I'm no longer dating whose apartments I have keys for... that proves I'm not a bunny boiler, right?
I just got back from an audition for a local play festival. I think I did well, I'm going back tomorrow night to read some more for the directors.
I got another cat on Friday. I was dead set against another cat. There was no cat alive who would be as wonderful as Velvet was. I couldn't cheapen her memory by getting another cat so soon. I drove past the shelter on my way home from work and decided that maybe I could just browse, and check out the cats they had in... Five minutes later (if that), I had this:

I have been writing more stand-up. I plan to perform when I have a 20 minute set to pick my best material from.
I have been gardening... I planted strawberries, tomatoes, yellow bell peppers, purple bell peppers, fajita bell peppers (which I am really excited about), and have beets and lettuce to plant tomorrow afternoon.
I have been working- the church job, at the store, and two babysitting jobs. I'm also doing a practicum this summer for school, and taking classes in person again this fall semester. I will graduate next May.
I am being as pragmatic as possible. I loved that job, I loved most of the people I worked with, I loved my kids. But I have an opportunity now to live for myself, better myself, and get a lot done. I can't say I don't have times when I'm downright depressed about no longer being employed for that organization, but I know that I can make the best of this.
<3 You are the best and I really appreciate how much you've been around this past week and a half for me despite what you are going through, and I hope you know you can vent and stress and cry with me too and it won't detract from what I'm feeling or need or whatever.