Dude, hospital mood swings are crazy. I got there and was almost excited, and then I was mad because the intake lady was a cunt (Your hallucinations have only told you to kill someone once? Why are you here?). Then I was texting xbradx and clarkekid for a bit (Sorry again for forgetting the time difference... I know I only sent it a few minutes before you were supposed to wake up and all but I still feel bad) and I was happy.
Then I waited 3 hours for my fucking insurance company to call and approve it, all while watching CNN loop their fucking news every 7 minutes so I could see the Floridian guy strapped to the kite thing smash into a building and nearly die a grand total of 25 times.
Then I got admitted in time for lunch, which is when a middle aged woman decided to start talking about her cat's scabs and infections and sores, and then her own digestion problems. (mood: pukey)
After that was group therapy where a woman was talking about being detached from her 15 year old daughter, and having her husband doing most of what it takes to raise her, and how her daughter views her as unstable, and I spend the rest of the time wondering if that'll be me 30 years from now.
Then there was a video and "relapse prevention group". And then home!
Phew. Good thing I never have to go back THERE agai...
Then I waited 3 hours for my fucking insurance company to call and approve it, all while watching CNN loop their fucking news every 7 minutes so I could see the Floridian guy strapped to the kite thing smash into a building and nearly die a grand total of 25 times.
Then I got admitted in time for lunch, which is when a middle aged woman decided to start talking about her cat's scabs and infections and sores, and then her own digestion problems. (mood: pukey)
After that was group therapy where a woman was talking about being detached from her 15 year old daughter, and having her husband doing most of what it takes to raise her, and how her daughter views her as unstable, and I spend the rest of the time wondering if that'll be me 30 years from now.
Then there was a video and "relapse prevention group". And then home!
Phew. Good thing I never have to go back THERE agai...
except he's not!
That's rough. I hope it gets better for you. Until then: