I've noticed some insidious interaction on SG, but not just on SG, everywhere where in comments sections online.
I'd like to hear what everyone thinks about this.
To my mind, internet communication allows two things that "live" communication does not. It allows for people to really focus their thoughts (the delete button is a beautiful thing) and/or say anything with an artificial sense of "social... Read More
Vanity is my favorite sin. Everybody wants to focus ont heir own being where as, to my own litlle theory, they are not feeling secure enough to just be self aware enough about themselvces but have to have opinions of others to make them feel like birds of a feather.
Civilization is just another creation of a herd of people. As is compassion to a certain extend. And it is easy to use technology, or warfare or any other system as an excuse, while we are not only the cause, we are also the excuse and solution.
I have gone beyond.
And will keep going.
Vienna sounds awesome. I'll reply your message when I have slept some.
Nothing being the same as something and still meaning nothing...and meaning only being another definition of the conscious moind limiting ourselves yet again...
I have no idea what I want. NONE. This is the first time in my life I have had no ambitions. It's exciting and scary. I bet it's the calm before the storm.
I've lost my mind.
The incredible thing is that it's been lost for years.
I am a harlequin. I love to make people laugh. It comes from the part of me that is empty. I think the empy place in me is where people might have their sense of self-security. I've tried to fill it with many things but this place is more valuable to... Read More
Yeah, Dale isn't someone I'd aspire to look like. Actually, I'm rather surprised that my boyfriend put in his pic and came back with Hamid Karzai but not Yul Brynner. Like, hello, name a bald guy!
And he didn't get Mr. T, who is bald except for his flat mohawk, yet I've been matched with TWO black women I look nothing like. How weird is that? Clearly, this site needs more celebrity photos to choose from.
Today was a mundane task day. For example, uploading my c.d. collection to my lappie. It's shit sad when you wake up to organize material posessions. I'm fairly sure I've lost my mind. $100 and a kiss to the person who can find it for me.... Read More
thank you for commenting in my journal - you said many things which I am now thinking of and tranlsating into my own mind. i don't know if that makes sense...
I once lived with a guy named Mouhammed Abu Asakar. He was from Gaza, Palestine. The way he talked about world peace, you'd think it was tangible, like bread. He believed in peace because he knew the terror of war. This guy was truly dedicated to a peaceful society in the Isreali-Palestinian region.
Can you imagine being dedicated to a peaceful world?... Read More
You are right of course.
The problem is that I feel too many people want an easy ride but are unwilling to see what facilitates that ride.
The answer of course is that their easy ride is facilitated by other people's suffering.
Unfortunately this is as much how democracy works as any other system of government.
If everybody was to realise how capilatism works (IE through oppression of those less well off (generally overseas) and maniupulation of consumers) it would quickly die and be replaced by a better system.
But people like capitalism because it removes the guilt clause by dressing it up as something it isn't.
Its run on desire rather than fear and unlike fear, desire is a tough nut to crack.
Wish I knew the solution. Everyone becoming monks?
There's respect here and there.
Not much tho. Admittedly its mostly ego.
Except in south east asia and places like that, it seems.
Manipulation only leads to pain in the end- I think Yoda said something like that.
But most people do it so really you've got to look at intentions rather than actions- if your overiding intention is to hurt people, that's something to feel bad about, if the intention is something else, well then its a little different.
Don't take my word for any of this shit tho
Civilization is just another creation of a herd of people. As is compassion to a certain extend. And it is easy to use technology, or warfare or any other system as an excuse, while we are not only the cause, we are also the excuse and solution.
I have gone beyond.
And will keep going.
Vienna sounds awesome. I'll reply your message when I have slept some.