Wow the U of C site has completely crashed.

I checked it because my friend went off to school this morning and I said to myself "hmm when do my classes start?" Luckily not until next week. I have a week to overhaul my sleep schedule. Fantastic.

I've done nothing with my summer, literally nothing. I didn't work, go to school or start volunteering like...
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Yeah, I bet. That thing has always been bad and everyone is trying to check something or change something or look up something. It happens. It will happen again around exam time when final marks are posted and next semester.
Ah sleep. I have vague memories of such a thing.

Why wait until you're old and cranky to open a restaurant? Being young and cranky you can tolerate it more and enjoy effects it has on people.
School's starting soon and I'm happy to say I've got a pretty relaxed schedule. I'm only in classes for maybe two hours a day, except for the one lab I have. Life is good.

Still trying to get used to Calgary. Still looking for good restaurants and eating a lot of salad in the meantime (lettuce and dressing you perverts). I finally found Blame Betty...
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Have I ever mentioned the coup? I believe it's a vegan restaurant if not just vegetarian. It's on 17th west of 8th street. And yes it's a shitload of shitty shifts, but I'm usually able to keep jobs because I'm such a hard worker. Like right now. tongue

God bless the iPhone.
I've never been there myself so I can't say. some places can be loved by some hated by others. I remember in Toronto there was some hipster place my sister loved so we went there. I got bul go gi which they burned so I sent it back for a toasted sandwich and yup, they burned the bread. I always hate going there now because they literally couldn't make toast.
Maybe you should open a vegan restaurant here, I'm sure it would do well since there are a lot of vegetarians and vegans, just not many places that are catered just for them.
Yay I'm so excited to get health insurance!!

It's going to save me a ton on money, and I've been meaning to get around to signing up for awhile. I just hate making an investment like that. It's something I'm so bad at taking for granted, and I don't want to pay for it. U of C forcing me into a group plan was the...
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I really don't like getting tattooed in general so yea that place especially no fun but damn if they don't look amazing after they have healed smile
lol, no worries. drunk people entertain me. Just like tonight. A friend of mine brought her 16 year old brother to a party cause he's in town for a family reunion, where he drank too much too quick and later he puked on her coffee table. She cleaned it up while he and their other sister bickered back and forth drunkenly. Overall 'twas a good night lol.

Oh and distillery on the 18th. Fuck yeah.
Holy crap, I left myself logged in for almost two days.

Hmm. What is the problem with that? As long as you lock the computer before you leave it alone, does it matter?
Something tells me you were pretty drunk on Sunday night too. tongue Maybe that led to the forgetting of logging out.
It's one of those nights. My best friend Kaelyn and I are trading albums.

We're listening to AFI which I haven't heard since high-school.

oooh The Constantines and Radiohead. Iron and Wine. Wilco. Black Mountain. Good trades.

I love having friends with good taste. Maybe I'll give her some minor threat just to surprise her . Have a good night SG's.

no worries. you also left it on a blog from almost 3 months ago lol. Distillery definitely has to be soon. Tomorrow or Today depending on how you look at it I will hopefully be figuring out my September schedule with my jobs.
lol, I think I need to try this popcorn and drinks combo. I would go there tomorrow, but they're closed Mondays.

Scratch that, they may be open, just no band... or something like that.
Sundays are boring.

I've had a pretty quiet weekend. Tonight I'm heading to Vern's Tavern to see a show. I don't think it'll be particularly good, but my boyfriend has been doing some production work for this band and needs to hand over the demo while they're in town. O well, metal shows + beer nearly always equals a good time.

Oh and my dog's...
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Anyone who has their wedding on Halloween is obviously inviting people to dress in costume for the event, to think otherwise would be completely moronic of the organizers. So I say wear the bitching bat costume!!
My bank is shutting down. It's just closing. What the fuck?

I've been with Citizens bank for over three years now and they rock my socks off. They don't invest in weapons manufacturers, oil companies, companies that test on animals, or real estate projects that won't profit low income people.

My mutual funds were invested in third world micro-finance initiatives and the interest from my...
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When I was a kid I thought banks were ethical places that were in business for the good of the people. I guess I was around 10 when I found out that banks actually "ass raped" their customers and made lots of money. It sucks your bank is closing especially since it was doing good for the world.
That would be awesome if you could. I bank with Scotiabank, I don't know how you feel about them. My main complaint is they keep investing in Argentina when they're always stupid with their economy and it crashes. I haven't noticed too much of an effect on my mutual fund though. (besides me withdrawing funds)

Yeah we should. Hopefully I find some time between working myself to death and sleep to do so.
Ugh I just applied for student loans.

I made less than eight thousand dollars last year, and my parents each made under fourteen. The Alberta government seems to think that's enough resources to pay for seven thousand dollars worth of education costs and eight months of living expenses.

I guess I'm just being a prick, living in a my four hundred dollar per month apartment...
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hehe.. i sell them actually

I miss Kits beach. I miss Commercial drive. I miss Main street.

$40.00 sushi sucks.
tell you what I will lend you my pack of wild zombie crib midgetts to go rough up that damn place to lower the prices for ya.
Thanks, I'll be happy to have cashflow again.

Where'd you have $40 sushi?
What's happened to body mist?

I used to use this stuff when I was a pre-teen, and there was so much on the market. I'm trying to find some to take camping with me this weekend and I can't find any that doesn't smell like ass (or fake marshmallows).

The shower situation sucks balls. The campsite we're using is way across the provincial park from...
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No worries. It may be years but I'll be back to Calg. some time. Take care.x T