I googled easter.
Could never figure out the whole bunny / egg thing. Being brought up with the predominant focus being drilled down as it being all about christ (and chocolate), I couldn't even make up a logical connection to bunnys and eggs.
Then I got thinking about that festival of lights thing all those old stanky pagans used to do, the thing that the invading missionarys had to allow into becoming christmas, (lest they be killed) and thought that just maybe it was some sort of another adopted pagan thing.
What a totally cool little bit of info to find out:
Shore nuff, it's pagan. I guess the saxons used to have this big fertility ritual near the third full moon of the year. They'd worship some Goddess named Eastre (I'm typing this from memory, so I could be wrong in a couple facts here)
Eastre was the goddess of fertility, and she was represented by a rabbit.
Ahhhhh I get it! Prolific lil bunnies!
heeeeyyy, Eastre, ... estro... estrus.. estrogen... I am starting to see some linkage here to the egg.
Turns out it was also customary, during this festival to give goldleaf guilded eggs as gifts, symbolizing the fertility thing again. Poorer smelly pagans wouldn't use gold though, they'd have to boil them with plant extracts to get colours.
anyways, I miss it here.
Could never figure out the whole bunny / egg thing. Being brought up with the predominant focus being drilled down as it being all about christ (and chocolate), I couldn't even make up a logical connection to bunnys and eggs.
Then I got thinking about that festival of lights thing all those old stanky pagans used to do, the thing that the invading missionarys had to allow into becoming christmas, (lest they be killed) and thought that just maybe it was some sort of another adopted pagan thing.
What a totally cool little bit of info to find out:
Shore nuff, it's pagan. I guess the saxons used to have this big fertility ritual near the third full moon of the year. They'd worship some Goddess named Eastre (I'm typing this from memory, so I could be wrong in a couple facts here)
Eastre was the goddess of fertility, and she was represented by a rabbit.
Ahhhhh I get it! Prolific lil bunnies!
heeeeyyy, Eastre, ... estro... estrus.. estrogen... I am starting to see some linkage here to the egg.
Turns out it was also customary, during this festival to give goldleaf guilded eggs as gifts, symbolizing the fertility thing again. Poorer smelly pagans wouldn't use gold though, they'd have to boil them with plant extracts to get colours.

anyways, I miss it here.
hi, long lost friend here stopping in and wondering how you're doing.

I've actually been trying to convince hansel to come and be naked at wrek. I said that people don't look at your junk! He said that he thinks that he'd look at people's junk and therefor that people would look at his. Dangit! Hehe... I'll come as soon as it's okay for me cross the border. (I'm an ALIEN!!! hehe)