Today is my husbands 31st birthday. Believe it or not he was born @ 4:20 am on 4/20. Which explains alot about him LOL. His birthdays are always a little strained because his family and he do not associate. So my parents "adopted" him. He hangs with my lil brother and Dad, and my mom always takes his side when we fight LOL. We all went to Buffalo wild wings, it was fabulous and he was so happy. He got tickets to the baseball game, a jersey, an sg hoodie
some vans and the new Prince cd <i hate prince but he loves him, how bout you?>. It was a good day. Tonite we are going to Millers which is a very old fashioned burger bar. They only serve burgers fries and rings. They were on the travel channels best burgers. Here is what we will bevouring.
Some kids that walk by our house <we live on a corner> like to harass our dogs. Usually they just grab our fence and shake it and make alot of noise. But last week a lady that works at the corner vet, who was driving home past our house stopped and knocked on our door. She said a bunch of kids were throwing stuff sticks and rocks and stuff at my dogs. She described them and I obviously realized it was the same people. The other day I saw them coming so i was watfching to see if they were going to do anything. They had a dog with them and they let it jump up on my fence so obviously my dogs went nuts and she bent down and started screaming at the top of her lungs shut the fuck up shut up over and over. this girl is like 12. so i went out and told her dont ever bother my dogs again. so she told me IT WAS ONNNNNNNNN.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE\????????????????????? So 3 days ago my dogs both got sick. Puking and shitting without control all over the place. Joe thinks they gave them something. My poor dogs are sooooo sick. bleh. What would you do?

Some kids that walk by our house <we live on a corner> like to harass our dogs. Usually they just grab our fence and shake it and make alot of noise. But last week a lady that works at the corner vet, who was driving home past our house stopped and knocked on our door. She said a bunch of kids were throwing stuff sticks and rocks and stuff at my dogs. She described them and I obviously realized it was the same people. The other day I saw them coming so i was watfching to see if they were going to do anything. They had a dog with them and they let it jump up on my fence so obviously my dogs went nuts and she bent down and started screaming at the top of her lungs shut the fuck up shut up over and over. this girl is like 12. so i went out and told her dont ever bother my dogs again. so she told me IT WAS ONNNNNNNNN.

sexy new picture!!
nice name