Piper has officially left the state,
and that sucks big emotional donkey balls. Oh well, I had a great time with her here,
wandering in the snow, getting lost in NY, looking at black lungs, skinless people on skinless horses. By the way if anyone gets the chance they should go to see Body Worlds, its in Philly right now, but I think it's going to NY soon or somewhere. Let me just say it's freaking awesome.
In other news, I've had it with Pennsylvania and I am going home!
There is nothing here that is worth me hanging around any longer than I need to to get back home. I think I am going to try the lotto a few times and hope for a miracle win so I can go home and drink a beer on a white sandy beach as soon as possible. I'm shooting to be back in Hawaii by the end of February and come hell or high water I have to get back there!

In other news, I've had it with Pennsylvania and I am going home!

I think you're making a good decision about going back to Hawaii. I don't know how anyone could be unhappy there if they put even the slightest amount of effort into it.
How much are pinapples there?