This is going to be a rather long entry, I think. First a couple of updates, of sorts, followed by some manner of personal introduction, and finally some of my thoughts on current life events.
Meeting Annabelle
A couple weeks ago I was aimlessly clicking SG links and reading journals, hoping to find Orange County members when I came across Annabelle. More specifically, I read about a local charity concert in one of her posts. I thought to myself for a moment about going---I had no idea who any of the bands were, didn't know anyone around who would enjoy going with me, and the only person there I would recognize was Annabelle, who didn't know me from Adam (note: I have no idea who Adam is, and until about 15 seconds ago had only speculated there was an Adam here on SG---and he's right here in OC; who knew?!).
When I realized my Friday evening line-up would have consisted of sitting at home reading books or peering into the lives of other SG members, I decided I had nothing to lose. The worst case scenerio would be that I was out five bucks and left with my ears bleeding and Annabelle's bootprint on my forehead for showing up unannounced and talking to her, which was more action than I'd gotten in a while anyway.
Now, before any of you go questioning my motives (I say "any of you" like anyone is actually going to read this in its entirety; it's my fantasy, don't ruin it for me by bringing reality into it) I didn't go expecting anything from anyone, and certainly not from Annabelle. She seemed very friendly from her journal, and had a fun set. At most I figured I'd go over and introduce myself, chat with her a few minutes about the site, and then spend the rest of the night walking among the crowd while those watching me whistled "one of these things is not like the others."
To make a long story short, I ended up having a great time and chatted with Annabelle (or Boxcar to her friends) the entire evening. On top of that, I thought Perish, the band she was merching for (and who at least one of her roommates is in), was by far the most talented group of the evening, and actually enjoyed their set, as opposed to mostly tolerating the other bands there (no offense to the others---I was in the back of the room where everything was pretty muffled, and that sort of music just isn't my gig anyway). I talked with her friend and Perish guitar player Eric for a while, and her roommate Mat(t?) was cool about taking a photo of us with my crappy camera phone while I was there. If other SG folk are half as (cool|kind|fun|energetic|unique|cute|great) as Boxcar, I'm going to have to start going to more OC-area SG functions.
Thanks Boxcar!
Other Updates
In other news, I didn't get my tattoo over the break. Ended up spending the money on a last-minute plane ticket to Portland to surprise my parents at my brother's house for Christmas. They had no idea I was coming up, and they woke up on their Christmas morning to find me sleeping on the couch in front of the tree.
Good times.
And now, a litle bit about me.
I'm fairly new to the site. I've been a member for a while, but actually forgot about it for a few months. I came back about a month ago and started reading journal entries on the girls, and have decided I should go ahead and start posting in my own. Besides, it's good therapy.
Your history lesson for the day (there will be a short quiz later): I graduated HS in '93 in Springfield, Oregon. A week later I was on a bus up to Portland to join the Air Force. Spent eight years in the service: the first three were in Hawaii, followed by four years in Nebraska, and the final year in Texas. I was fortunate enough to spend most of 1995 playing keyboards in an Air Force showband called Tops in Blue. It was probably the hardest thing I've ever done, but it is also something I will never forget.
Other significant events include getting married in 1998, having a son, getting out of the Air Force and moving to Southern California in 2001, and getting divorced in 2003 (which I may devote an entire post to at some point in the future, for anyone who feigns interest). Had a girlfriend for most of this year, but she up and left about a month ago to take care of her mother (there will most likely be an entry on this at some point as well).
I am now stuck in SoCal, because I don't want to move away from my son. I do have a good job doing computer security work, so I'm not in too bad of shape. I share a house with a former cow-orker (I was going to link to a page in the Wikipedia but their site is painfully slow at the moment---I'm on broadband and it's taking upwards of two minutes for each page that comes up, and more often than not the connections are timing out) and his girlfriend.
I hate to disappoint you all, but I'm not going to get around to my thoughts on current life events this evening. Or this morning, rather, as it's now 2:10. If you are still reading at this point, I salute you, and also wonder about your sanity. Then again, if we were sane we probably wouldn't be on SG now, would we?
Meeting Annabelle
A couple weeks ago I was aimlessly clicking SG links and reading journals, hoping to find Orange County members when I came across Annabelle. More specifically, I read about a local charity concert in one of her posts. I thought to myself for a moment about going---I had no idea who any of the bands were, didn't know anyone around who would enjoy going with me, and the only person there I would recognize was Annabelle, who didn't know me from Adam (note: I have no idea who Adam is, and until about 15 seconds ago had only speculated there was an Adam here on SG---and he's right here in OC; who knew?!).
When I realized my Friday evening line-up would have consisted of sitting at home reading books or peering into the lives of other SG members, I decided I had nothing to lose. The worst case scenerio would be that I was out five bucks and left with my ears bleeding and Annabelle's bootprint on my forehead for showing up unannounced and talking to her, which was more action than I'd gotten in a while anyway.
Now, before any of you go questioning my motives (I say "any of you" like anyone is actually going to read this in its entirety; it's my fantasy, don't ruin it for me by bringing reality into it) I didn't go expecting anything from anyone, and certainly not from Annabelle. She seemed very friendly from her journal, and had a fun set. At most I figured I'd go over and introduce myself, chat with her a few minutes about the site, and then spend the rest of the night walking among the crowd while those watching me whistled "one of these things is not like the others."
To make a long story short, I ended up having a great time and chatted with Annabelle (or Boxcar to her friends) the entire evening. On top of that, I thought Perish, the band she was merching for (and who at least one of her roommates is in), was by far the most talented group of the evening, and actually enjoyed their set, as opposed to mostly tolerating the other bands there (no offense to the others---I was in the back of the room where everything was pretty muffled, and that sort of music just isn't my gig anyway). I talked with her friend and Perish guitar player Eric for a while, and her roommate Mat(t?) was cool about taking a photo of us with my crappy camera phone while I was there. If other SG folk are half as (cool|kind|fun|energetic|unique|cute|great) as Boxcar, I'm going to have to start going to more OC-area SG functions.
Thanks Boxcar!
Other Updates
In other news, I didn't get my tattoo over the break. Ended up spending the money on a last-minute plane ticket to Portland to surprise my parents at my brother's house for Christmas. They had no idea I was coming up, and they woke up on their Christmas morning to find me sleeping on the couch in front of the tree.
Good times.
And now, a litle bit about me.
I'm fairly new to the site. I've been a member for a while, but actually forgot about it for a few months. I came back about a month ago and started reading journal entries on the girls, and have decided I should go ahead and start posting in my own. Besides, it's good therapy.
Your history lesson for the day (there will be a short quiz later): I graduated HS in '93 in Springfield, Oregon. A week later I was on a bus up to Portland to join the Air Force. Spent eight years in the service: the first three were in Hawaii, followed by four years in Nebraska, and the final year in Texas. I was fortunate enough to spend most of 1995 playing keyboards in an Air Force showband called Tops in Blue. It was probably the hardest thing I've ever done, but it is also something I will never forget.
Other significant events include getting married in 1998, having a son, getting out of the Air Force and moving to Southern California in 2001, and getting divorced in 2003 (which I may devote an entire post to at some point in the future, for anyone who feigns interest). Had a girlfriend for most of this year, but she up and left about a month ago to take care of her mother (there will most likely be an entry on this at some point as well).
I am now stuck in SoCal, because I don't want to move away from my son. I do have a good job doing computer security work, so I'm not in too bad of shape. I share a house with a former cow-orker (I was going to link to a page in the Wikipedia but their site is painfully slow at the moment---I'm on broadband and it's taking upwards of two minutes for each page that comes up, and more often than not the connections are timing out) and his girlfriend.
I hate to disappoint you all, but I'm not going to get around to my thoughts on current life events this evening. Or this morning, rather, as it's now 2:10. If you are still reading at this point, I salute you, and also wonder about your sanity. Then again, if we were sane we probably wouldn't be on SG now, would we?
BTW... you're suppose to reply on the persons journal and not your own. otherwise they probably won't see it.
Very good point. I'm going to remember that the next time I put something off like the good procrastinator I am.
I don't play D&D anymore, but rather Rolemaster (or Rulemaster as the wits like to call it.) I really enjoyed D&D. I've also dabbled in Rifts and Call of Cthulhu. I guess you could call me a roleplaying geek.