Hey kids-
Another draining ten hour day at work...
I finally go to see 'Dance Of Death' at the lyric with Sir Ian McKellen this weekend, something I've been looking forwards to doing for the last couple of months and never quite got around to doing cause of the long-haul involved. It's been so long since I sawe a play, and I've never seen one of any... quality.
I just love Ian McKellen, that's what sold me. I don't think I can think of another actor with such a warm, accomadating sense of friendliness and humanity- and who can adapt himself to any role whether it be Richard the third or an ex-nazi- and yeah he does soem goofy stuff like being Gandalf and Magneto, but that's only more endearing...
This will be a great weekend.
So I leave for London tomorrow morning. Hop on a train which I will be on for... most of the day. It will all be worth it
I just have to get from the station to the hostel, trying not to take cabs and get myself ripped off. I've heard too many horror stories about this place from Iain, I guess. I have to thank him for making me more careful...
Anyways, I'll do a little non-touristy site seeing when I'm there- go find some backjstreet record stores, buy copious amounts of vinyl (no, not the S+M kind) take some photographs of the less mundane architecture...
And I come back late Sunday.
I still have to pick out music to take with me. Maybe I should get cracking on some kinda mixertape...
I've been listening to everything from The White Stripes to Ray Charles to Queen lately, and a lot of old blues stuff too which Iain tends to leave around conspicuously...
Yeah, I might do that tonight- make a couple of tapes up...
Just gotta get home first, make sure that boyfriend of mine knows that he won't be forgotten about while I'm gone.
Even if nothing I do or say is going to make him worry any less.
What are you doing this weekend?
Another draining ten hour day at work...
I finally go to see 'Dance Of Death' at the lyric with Sir Ian McKellen this weekend, something I've been looking forwards to doing for the last couple of months and never quite got around to doing cause of the long-haul involved. It's been so long since I sawe a play, and I've never seen one of any... quality.
I just love Ian McKellen, that's what sold me. I don't think I can think of another actor with such a warm, accomadating sense of friendliness and humanity- and who can adapt himself to any role whether it be Richard the third or an ex-nazi- and yeah he does soem goofy stuff like being Gandalf and Magneto, but that's only more endearing...
This will be a great weekend.
So I leave for London tomorrow morning. Hop on a train which I will be on for... most of the day. It will all be worth it

Anyways, I'll do a little non-touristy site seeing when I'm there- go find some backjstreet record stores, buy copious amounts of vinyl (no, not the S+M kind) take some photographs of the less mundane architecture...
And I come back late Sunday.
I still have to pick out music to take with me. Maybe I should get cracking on some kinda mixertape...
I've been listening to everything from The White Stripes to Ray Charles to Queen lately, and a lot of old blues stuff too which Iain tends to leave around conspicuously...
Yeah, I might do that tonight- make a couple of tapes up...
Just gotta get home first, make sure that boyfriend of mine knows that he won't be forgotten about while I'm gone.
Even if nothing I do or say is going to make him worry any less.
What are you doing this weekend?

i live in the west end and would love to have met up with you. hope you enjoy the theatre.
Hope you had fun!