are you ready for this melissa...????
its gonna be ok. just because you still wake up at 2 in the morning in a cold sweat from nightmares about your former lova, does not render you stupid in the eyes of all others. no, i can do this
i will not fuck this one up!!!!!
ok so i'm going out to meet new people on thursday, and if this thursday is anything like last thursday, you might have to come visit me in psych ward.
i will chill the fuck out, i will stay calm, i will go in with little or no expectation, as to avoid disapointment.
i'm a big girl, i can handle this,,,,
here comes the self doubt, followed by paranoia
what if i'm too fat/ ugly/ annoying/ stupid/ socially retarded/ oh god what if this new group of people who seem perfectly accepting and kind turn out to be bigoted idiots, with no sense of humor. or what if i try to bribe them into my car with beer again...
oh god.
somebody hand me some antipsychotics fast
its gonna be ok. just because you still wake up at 2 in the morning in a cold sweat from nightmares about your former lova, does not render you stupid in the eyes of all others. no, i can do this
i will not fuck this one up!!!!!
ok so i'm going out to meet new people on thursday, and if this thursday is anything like last thursday, you might have to come visit me in psych ward.

i will chill the fuck out, i will stay calm, i will go in with little or no expectation, as to avoid disapointment.
i'm a big girl, i can handle this,,,,
here comes the self doubt, followed by paranoia
what if i'm too fat/ ugly/ annoying/ stupid/ socially retarded/ oh god what if this new group of people who seem perfectly accepting and kind turn out to be bigoted idiots, with no sense of humor. or what if i try to bribe them into my car with beer again...
oh god.
somebody hand me some antipsychotics fast
fuckum, damnit! if they dont get you they're not supposed to. be as obscure and esoteric and eccentric as possible, then when people accept you you know they're really accepting you, dig? that's my philosophy. i mean, you're a really cute, reasonably smart chick whose less socailly inept than i am. you're outgoing and all that--if your quirks get in the way of them accepting you, then would you really want them in yr life anyway?
but that's just me.
a laser gun
hormonal harmony
a puppy
an endless suply of ink
a passport that never expires,
and good friends that will help get my shit stright when i have my head stuck up my ass.
i can help with maybe one or two of those, but that's awefully lofty, yo.