going to get more ink today!!!!
i'm so happy,
its kinda weird cause i don't know what to do with myself, and i don't really have any friends that are like hey, lets hang out during the day...sober....in the sunlight, possibly go to lunch in a public place...yeah, most of my friends only come out at night, and don't really embrace the art of social activity,
and besides, i don't even know what you do on a saturday when theres lovely weather.
i've been reading all these stupuid prpoganda self-help books and they say to go out, take a class, go to a museum, go to the park...obviously they don't live in a town called normal. where none of these things really exsist. ...
and i have horrible planing, i alway think if i call someone in the morning and ask them if they want to go out that night, then thats plenty of time... aparently not. ummmm maybe i could mail order some things... oh wait, i could go to the library, thats what i did before when i was single, i would go to the library all day and just hang out, read lots o shite, n'stuff, yeah, i'll do that
see i feel good, but board, so i start thinking about all the other stuff that one tries not to think about when one has recently ended a relationship. ummm only 1and a half hours till my ink apt. then i can go get my car worked on some more..stupid shit car!!!

i'm so happy,
its kinda weird cause i don't know what to do with myself, and i don't really have any friends that are like hey, lets hang out during the day...sober....in the sunlight, possibly go to lunch in a public place...yeah, most of my friends only come out at night, and don't really embrace the art of social activity,
and besides, i don't even know what you do on a saturday when theres lovely weather.
i've been reading all these stupuid prpoganda self-help books and they say to go out, take a class, go to a museum, go to the park...obviously they don't live in a town called normal. where none of these things really exsist. ...
and i have horrible planing, i alway think if i call someone in the morning and ask them if they want to go out that night, then thats plenty of time... aparently not. ummmm maybe i could mail order some things... oh wait, i could go to the library, thats what i did before when i was single, i would go to the library all day and just hang out, read lots o shite, n'stuff, yeah, i'll do that
see i feel good, but board, so i start thinking about all the other stuff that one tries not to think about when one has recently ended a relationship. ummm only 1and a half hours till my ink apt. then i can go get my car worked on some more..stupid shit car!!!
i saw him on Real Time with Bill Maher the other night and the man is perfect. absolutely. the highest complement i can give someone is "I'd Hang Out With Em," and he gets that a million times over.
i dont think he's any relation to Fred Savage, but that would be extra-super cool if he was.
start somking so much that you get an iron lung to breath for you
an iron lung beats the hell out of an Aqua Lung any day--Take That, Jethro!
are you still going for the spirally vine thingie? or is that for a later date?
i alway think if i call someone in the morning and ask them if they want to go out that night, then thats plenty of time... aparently not
i always say "Gimme plenty of time to prepare," but usually that just makes me anxious for a number of days. but some of the best days i've lived were unexpected days, you know what i mean?
Self improvement's masturbation.
i read some reviews of the Wild Parrots thing, and it sounds like i'm gonna cry like a little girl during it. it sounds quite quirky and "zen". i predict tomorrow will rock.
good luck with the car!