i feel compleatly fucked up. not like wasted or anything like that, but like somone beat the shit out of me with a sledgehammer....what, you might ask would lead to such shittiness...let me tell you.
yesterday me and x-boyfriend were being very civil, i was thinking, yes i can be frinds, i went to his new house and we talked about stuff and it was good, i was feeling very much like i was in a fucking sinefield episode. so then, latter that night, i 'm wearing the shirt that he'd just given back to me. and i go to store to get some party favors for the rest of the evening, and low and behold, guess who should happen to pull up right next to me. right fucking next to me. with his new and improved girlfriend.
in the whole fucking parking lot, of all the stores in that end of town, why would he do that? so thne i'm thinking, like what the fuck did i do, did i piss him off or somthing, is god angry at me. what the fuck. so i drank and cried all last night, i think i tried to sleep with one of my best friends. thak god for joe, i think he hit me over the head to get me to go to sleep but i passed out anyway.
i definetly cannot be friends. and i soooooo am never going to that fucking store again!!!!!!
and i think i'm gonna go let the air out of his tires again.
yesterday me and x-boyfriend were being very civil, i was thinking, yes i can be frinds, i went to his new house and we talked about stuff and it was good, i was feeling very much like i was in a fucking sinefield episode. so then, latter that night, i 'm wearing the shirt that he'd just given back to me. and i go to store to get some party favors for the rest of the evening, and low and behold, guess who should happen to pull up right next to me. right fucking next to me. with his new and improved girlfriend.

i definetly cannot be friends. and i soooooo am never going to that fucking store again!!!!!!
and i think i'm gonna go let the air out of his tires again.

well, atleast yr not this guy
hmm.... bunnies.