ugggh! worst heart burn ever! do not, i repeat, DO NOT eat mugsy's insane wings and then attempt to sleep. i have no idea why i thought this would be possible.
i totally fucked myself, i thought i had certified for my monies while on grand island.....nope. so i recertified this morning. so all the payments that i made will bounce and i'm totally fucked. i have no idea what my options are at this point.
well fuck, i took a bunch of antacids, and drank some water. i'm gonna try to go back to sleep.
desperation is the worlds worst parfume!!!!
i am soooo done calling this guy, and calling him and calling him. obviously he is not that into me....
even if the sex was awful, and of course hes not that great, he lives with his mom and doesn't have a job, or a car, or any sense of ambition, so why would i not be attracted to him.....
i will deleate his number from my phone for the last time, my girlfriend says its because i have nothing better to do than obsess over ol dude, but thats just not true, i've been busy every night this week, tonight i was asked out by one of my field school buddies
were gonna go shoot some pool.
i feel bad too cause joe and i have been kickin it alot lately, but hes like my big brother, i feel so girly right now, i don't know if all the alcohol has caused some sort of maturity regression or what,
i totally fucked myself, i thought i had certified for my monies while on grand island.....nope. so i recertified this morning. so all the payments that i made will bounce and i'm totally fucked. i have no idea what my options are at this point.
well fuck, i took a bunch of antacids, and drank some water. i'm gonna try to go back to sleep.
desperation is the worlds worst parfume!!!!
i am soooo done calling this guy, and calling him and calling him. obviously he is not that into me....
even if the sex was awful, and of course hes not that great, he lives with his mom and doesn't have a job, or a car, or any sense of ambition, so why would i not be attracted to him.....
i will deleate his number from my phone for the last time, my girlfriend says its because i have nothing better to do than obsess over ol dude, but thats just not true, i've been busy every night this week, tonight i was asked out by one of my field school buddies

were gonna go shoot some pool.
i feel bad too cause joe and i have been kickin it alot lately, but hes like my big brother, i feel so girly right now, i don't know if all the alcohol has caused some sort of maturity regression or what,
but, yeah, that's gotta be irritating; leaving a message and not having it returned. yup. irritating.
the dead 60s yo
[Edited on Aug 10, 2005 9:37PM]