thanks for the love
today is like combining gasoline with turpintine to try to put out a fire....
theres a meet and greet at my favorite bar tonight soooo all drinks will be free,
i don't know if you've noticed but when pissed angry self loathing people get drunk, bad things happen, i will do my best to stay sober, but i have to be there from 7 to 11. last night i took some precautionary measures and drank myself stupid, so hopefully tonight i won't be much for irish car bombs.

today is like combining gasoline with turpintine to try to put out a fire....
theres a meet and greet at my favorite bar tonight soooo all drinks will be free,
i don't know if you've noticed but when pissed angry self loathing people get drunk, bad things happen, i will do my best to stay sober, but i have to be there from 7 to 11. last night i took some precautionary measures and drank myself stupid, so hopefully tonight i won't be much for irish car bombs.
i'm not much for shoes and i've already read the EGM 3 times (high or not, that's alot), so sweets it be, playa.
what's that saying, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure? which is a saying that fits more my escapism techniques. easy switch: finger to a fifth? think it over.
too funny. .
la hentai salutes you
and to answer your question. . yes i have noticed, but i rarely bother unless i'm around family. .
i have the house to myself this weekend . .wanna come over and watch some movies?
i'll wash my comforter and my pillow. . cases?
and to entice the offer even more. .i'll steal
any bottle of booze you wish to drink that evening . . (as long as we carry it )
in other bad news . .now that i've shorn off most of my hair , i've come to realize , i might possibly be a pin-head. .
pin-head savant is the term i'm gonna use from now on. .
hope you have a nice weekend. .