WARNING: I am in a whiny mood now
Amazing how a pop song (or I should say a Punk Pop song just in case the previous statement might bother anyone) can suddenly cause you to start crying like a baby.
It is almost seven in the morning, and I am still awake (insomnia is a game we can all play) watching lame ass videos on...
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Amazing how a pop song (or I should say a Punk Pop song just in case the previous statement might bother anyone) can suddenly cause you to start crying like a baby.
It is almost seven in the morning, and I am still awake (insomnia is a game we can all play) watching lame ass videos on...
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hey sunshine, sorry to hear about the restless night. i hate when the morning rays seep through the blind in a desperate attempt to keep you aggrevated beyond all hell. but in other news, we are due for our first hang out. any day but tuesday or friday looks good for me this week. let me know, pumpkin!

Tuesday is my birthday!!
I have a list of Birthday wishes, though am unsure which I will get
I have a list of Birthday wishes, though am unsure which I will get

happy very belated birthday...i havent been on this site in forever!! we can dance anytime!!
mwahahaha thats great
So I am planning a birthday party for myself/screening of Party Monster. My Birthday is Tuesday, August 3rd. I am trying to decide whether to throw it that night, which being in the middle of the week might be odd for some people, or do it Sunday August 1st. This is an invitation to any on my friend's list wanting to come, and a request...
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thanks doll !

I had the best time with Gia yesterday at the Rock101 Sky Show, thank you for the invite!!!!
Not to mention, she looks ten times more encredible in person then her beautiful pics, and is sweet as they come.
We saw Lacuna Coil play, which were awesome. The only problem were the little twelve year olds bitching about people shoving in the PIT!!! What do...
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We saw Lacuna Coil play, which were awesome. The only problem were the little twelve year olds bitching about people shoving in the PIT!!! What do...
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Thank you!! As of right now I think CurlyOxide is driving me, but I appreciate the offer. Oh, and welcome to the Boston group!
Here I am again, still desperate to load a pic on my profile. There are some in my pics section, but I can't seem to get the profile pic the right size.
Any suggestions?

Any suggestions?
Are you going to the SkyShow with my LittleDeadDoll?
hey darling ! thnaks so much for the emails over the 4 days i was at the hospital but i just wanted to apologize for not being able to call nor hang out. i was at the hospital for longer than i thought and had to have blood work for 2 out of the 3 days and a dialsted pupil exam..ect. i just crashed everytime i would get back to the hotel
. im back home now but im sure we will meet soon

Attended the fabo B&D Ball at ManRay last night, and let me just say, our enchanting little Miss Sid was simply fantastic on stage with Rubberella. As of matter of fact, the only problem I had was the almost no moving room left by the hordes of clubbers. The place was packed beyond belief.
hehe, Awww
~ thanks doll !

I think I might be going to Manray on friday! it would be cool if you were there too!

Just heard of the Dresden Dolls playing at the Middle East tonight in Cambridge, YAY!!!!
I get to go see one of my favorite ACTS, and one of my favorite female vocalists, (Lennon being the favorite female vocalist of course. I cannot wait!!!
Who else is going to be there?

Who else is going to be there?
I like the Dresden Dolls too. I went to a party at Amanda's house before I knew about the band, and she was so flirtatious with me...I later learned she's like that with everyone. My friend's boyfriend books the Middle East so there is some tension between her and Amanda. I'm not supposed to like her out of loyalty to my friend, but I really do 

New pic!!! New pic!!!

So I was really bored at work yesterday, and ended up drawing. I am unsure what she is, but she is in my new Art Work folder, so please, help me figure out what she is. Byebye
Awwww, thanks
~ i hope i find out if it gets accepted soon cause im excited !
great art work !

great art work !

By the Goddess!!! Here I am, thinking everything in my life is starting to go pretty well. Been single again for a couple months here, getting ready to move back to Boston. Found a great place with this really nice Lesbian couple just up the street from work, suppose to be having dinner with them tomorrow to make sure everything clicks right. Already to go...
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