I found out I'm getting promoted pretty soon (I guess I didn't burn my bridges as badly as I thought
). I'm also receiving higher-caliber work than I thought I would be for my last few months. It's nothing to write home to Mom about (certainly nothing worthy of Action Hero status), but it carries some good visibility with it, and should spice up my military/governmental resume a bit.
While I'm happy with that, I'd be a lot happier if my school-hunting situation was resolved in the next month or so. Registering myself as the resident of a tax-free State is coming back to bite me in the ass as I try to get into the school of my choice (NC requires a student to have paid NC state taxes for 12 months to qualify for in-state tuition rates). I'd like to resolve that issue as soon as possible, because if I'm not able to attend school come January, I've pretty much resigned myself to staying in for an extra 12 months. Should that end up being the case, the sooner I find out and declare my intentions, the more of a chance I have of taking my next tour/deployment with friends rather than strangers.
That's really about it. Things have been rather quiet since helping my friends move (what a pain that was!). I've casually dated a couple of girls for inconsequential amounts of time... I've looked into upgrading my wardrobe this fall... I've thought about a vacation for the next year... Banal shit, really.
I'm thinking about hitting the town tonight, but it occurs to me that
A) There is no "town" to "hit" where Fayetteville, NC is concerned.
B) Most of my single friends are
1) Out of said "town"
2) Out of country
...whatever. Time to go blow $50 on food and vino that should really only be worth abou $20, at best.

While I'm happy with that, I'd be a lot happier if my school-hunting situation was resolved in the next month or so. Registering myself as the resident of a tax-free State is coming back to bite me in the ass as I try to get into the school of my choice (NC requires a student to have paid NC state taxes for 12 months to qualify for in-state tuition rates). I'd like to resolve that issue as soon as possible, because if I'm not able to attend school come January, I've pretty much resigned myself to staying in for an extra 12 months. Should that end up being the case, the sooner I find out and declare my intentions, the more of a chance I have of taking my next tour/deployment with friends rather than strangers.
That's really about it. Things have been rather quiet since helping my friends move (what a pain that was!). I've casually dated a couple of girls for inconsequential amounts of time... I've looked into upgrading my wardrobe this fall... I've thought about a vacation for the next year... Banal shit, really.
I'm thinking about hitting the town tonight, but it occurs to me that
A) There is no "town" to "hit" where Fayetteville, NC is concerned.
B) Most of my single friends are
1) Out of said "town"
2) Out of country
...whatever. Time to go blow $50 on food and vino that should really only be worth abou $20, at best.
