You know, there's nothing like the genius required to plan an Air Show to improve civic relations... in the middle of MONSOON SEASON.
If our Korean neighbors couldn't stand us carousing drunk through their cities, I know they truly hated us after they had to take their teary-eyed kids home, their dreams of seeing fighter jocks do aerial demonstrations shattered.
Still, for me it was a personal matter. There's nothing like ordering a halt on all vehicle use throughout a city-sized base to ensure civilian safety... for an air show that doesn't happen... because of torrential rainpour. It's incredible fun to walk about 3 miles in rain that laughs at umbrellas.
Let's see... what else made this week a truly unique one? Oh, not getting paid a dime this last paycheck registered on my radar, though the finance gurous assure me that it will all be straightened out "soon."
On the positive side? I think I have a girlfriend again, though it's still hard to really be sure at this stage. Too many mixed signals being sent/received. To this end, I am forgoing alcohol consumption on our nights out until I figure out what is what. Besides, I have it on her authority from tonight's outing that she prefers Stone Sober Me as opposed to Mellow After Six Beers Me. Who knows--I might save money, too...
So. Four months down, two weeks until my Mid-Tour Leave starts, and then only 6 more months of round-the-week partying to go.

If our Korean neighbors couldn't stand us carousing drunk through their cities, I know they truly hated us after they had to take their teary-eyed kids home, their dreams of seeing fighter jocks do aerial demonstrations shattered.

Still, for me it was a personal matter. There's nothing like ordering a halt on all vehicle use throughout a city-sized base to ensure civilian safety... for an air show that doesn't happen... because of torrential rainpour. It's incredible fun to walk about 3 miles in rain that laughs at umbrellas.

Let's see... what else made this week a truly unique one? Oh, not getting paid a dime this last paycheck registered on my radar, though the finance gurous assure me that it will all be straightened out "soon."

On the positive side? I think I have a girlfriend again, though it's still hard to really be sure at this stage. Too many mixed signals being sent/received. To this end, I am forgoing alcohol consumption on our nights out until I figure out what is what. Besides, I have it on her authority from tonight's outing that she prefers Stone Sober Me as opposed to Mellow After Six Beers Me. Who knows--I might save money, too...

So. Four months down, two weeks until my Mid-Tour Leave starts, and then only 6 more months of round-the-week partying to go.

All you can do is roll with it and see what comes , which you seem to be doing. All i can say i hope it works out for you and if it doesent dont get too bogged down, cause sometimes not understanding the others feelings and that little confusion and uncertinty can be the most attractive thing about someone.