For maybe the first time in a year, I had a GOOD dream last night. Most of mine are nightmares. I don't remember what it was really, but I do remember one really cute part and I actually woke up feeling relaxed. I needed that, but the truth is I'm only feeling relaxed for fucked up reasons. I guess we all have our vices --... Read More
I got food poisoning from a bad burrito. Actually, that's an oxymoron in & of itself because has there ever been a good burrito? So in addition to being a "bad burrito" to start off with, it was a 7-11 burrito. A 7-11 burrito named Da Bomb. I guess I was the genius who failed to see the warning signs. Oh,... Read More
wow just reading that almost made me vomit again... i'm still not quite normal and it's been more than a week! we went to an asian restaurant tonight (picked by my mom because it was to celebrate her belated bday)...afterwards my stomach got all weird and unhappy. i felt very nauseated and ill afterwards. i didn't think i would be bad anymore considering but...i think my body still isn't ready for asian food yet... altho, to asian food's body also isn't ready for a lot of meat either... can't wait to see if the pretty things that come out of my ass will be solid or not grin. like that?
I've been waiting a long time
for this moment to come
I'm destined for anything at all
Downtown lights will be shining
On me like a new diamond
Ring out under the midnight hour
No one can touch me now
And I can't turn my back
It's too late ready or not... Read More
The longest day of the year came and went but I'm still living it
Uncomfortable silence which bears itself to me
The driving power in this faction of passion caused a shift
Caused by brain to split; From what I see
Echoes of life entertaining sanity; long lost to hardcore craft
They see it all, but won't share the scene
Alien tendrils,... Read More
yeah...there's nothing quite like spending your days trapped in a little tiny least i'm not a smartie...trapped in a little tiny box and then as soon as the light comes in you get eaten! unless you're red...then you get to watch your friends get eaten.
Wow. I just watched the last 30 minutes of Terminator 2. That was one of my top five favorite movies back then. I saw that movie in the theatres when I was 11. It was one of the few times I ever got to go to the movies when I was a kid. It's the little things like that that make a difference. I remember... Read More
How adorable are you - you have one lucky girl! I watched terminator 2 not too long ago also! hehehehe! Thanks for the comment on my blog, it really helps. I'm going to move back to portland oregon in october!
no repercussions... but i stopped drinking for 3 months as of the 3rd. So when i go back to boozing (which i don't normally do anyway) I will be a real serious lightweight. Maybe even lightweight champion of the world!
I hooked up one of my neighbors with free wireless internet. He was so excited. I remember hearing him exclaim something about " I can see tits!..." or something like that. He acquired a Palm TX and has no internet. I totally forgot that my router could do 802.11g. Once I remembered, I hooked that shit up. Now, he be scoping da poon.
it's merely pre=cancerous prevention. I have lesions that could cause cancer later on in life. I have to be careful, but I have a team of knock=outs on my side. I'm not scared, i know i'm going to conquer it and come out on top. I just have to help my body help itself.
yeah...i will walk normal speed if i know there's no immediate shelter to run to too. i have to keep a change of shoes and socks at work for rainy days this rate i'll have to keep an entire change of clothing there!
nah, the manager and i were joking with eachother...but...i think he'll avenge the fact that we taped a blown up card for mental health services on his office door though....
Ive been having the same problem with the site...
I havent been hungover in SO long. So when I woke up this morning (after only getting like 2 hours of sleep) I was feeling pretty gross. I always drink Gatorade after I drink, but for some reason nothing helped today.
Murder by Numbers also has Sandra Bullock in it, and its weird cause she doesnt play the kind of character she usually does.
Even if you dont like the movie, I think youd like him (Ryan Gosling) cause his character is pretty twisted.
Also, did you know he was on the mickey mouse club?
[EDIT June 21 @ 1:25AM:] Damnit! I keep trying to mix this down and Cubase is crashing whenever I load more than two or three instances of TC Native Reverb. Oh, well...I'll try again tomorrow. I haven't been able to sleep all week (2 - 3 hours a night). I'm gonna try again now and see what happens. [END EDIT]
I feel ya, I hate waking up in the morning feeling uneasy.
Glad you laughed!!!