Holy Crap! Its been a month since my last post!!!!!!
Well Here is what happened...
After my last post, I fractured my ankle in Jamieson's Rock. I walked on it for two days thinking I had just sprained it but when I got it checked out It was fractured. Thanks to the Arterio Hospital in Cyprus I was in diagnosed and plastered up in 20mins! How good is that?!
I flew home and my mother, who kicked me out of her house two years ago, let me back in and has been taking care of me since. I have found it hard to stick her with her snide remarks and mood swings especially when she has been drinking but I cant complain a\s she has been cooking for me.
I've found a flat to move into in Belfast. I cant wait. It will be my first place completely on my own and will be good. Grandparents are well chuffed to hear I'm getting my own place but my Granda doesn't want to get too involved in helping me out with transport and going to buy things as he's afraid of pissing my mum off. Who, coincidently, is taking the whole moving out again thing quiet well, though I'm not sure it has sunk in. Either way I cant wait to get my own place.
I'm also heading to Seattle on the 27th October if anybody from that direction fancy's meeting up?
I cant wait I was 14 when I was last there and this time I have my aunt to console and party with after her divorce and I can officially drink there now so it's going to get wild! Irish Car Bombs will be drunk all night....
Cant Wait!!!!!!!!!!
So much change that I had been panicking about has turned around and is looking to be going my way! months of panicking for nothing.
Oh and I got asked to go and work in China for up to a year... What do you think?

Well Here is what happened...
After my last post, I fractured my ankle in Jamieson's Rock. I walked on it for two days thinking I had just sprained it but when I got it checked out It was fractured. Thanks to the Arterio Hospital in Cyprus I was in diagnosed and plastered up in 20mins! How good is that?!
I flew home and my mother, who kicked me out of her house two years ago, let me back in and has been taking care of me since. I have found it hard to stick her with her snide remarks and mood swings especially when she has been drinking but I cant complain a\s she has been cooking for me.
I've found a flat to move into in Belfast. I cant wait. It will be my first place completely on my own and will be good. Grandparents are well chuffed to hear I'm getting my own place but my Granda doesn't want to get too involved in helping me out with transport and going to buy things as he's afraid of pissing my mum off. Who, coincidently, is taking the whole moving out again thing quiet well, though I'm not sure it has sunk in. Either way I cant wait to get my own place.
I'm also heading to Seattle on the 27th October if anybody from that direction fancy's meeting up?
I cant wait I was 14 when I was last there and this time I have my aunt to console and party with after her divorce and I can officially drink there now so it's going to get wild! Irish Car Bombs will be drunk all night....
Cant Wait!!!!!!!!!!
So much change that I had been panicking about has turned around and is looking to be going my way! months of panicking for nothing.
Oh and I got asked to go and work in China for up to a year... What do you think?