Well, my kitty's respiratory infection has cleared up and she's peachy-keen. I thought that she was going to be a mellow kitten, but apparently that was just sickness-induced lethargy. Now that she's well, she's bounding around the house, constantly attacking my feet and attempting to hang from my shirt lapels. She's also very into playing with my beard. Oh, for those of you who inquired, her name is Nico, after the female singer from The Velvet Underground (that's what I was playing in the truck when I brought her home).
I really have absolutely nothing of interest to report. Still waiting on student loans so that I can finally be financially stable enough to explore the Portland nightlife (and buy my books for school, but concerts and beer take precedence). Classes are fine, but dull. Very difficult to make courses like Public Budgeting interesting. Once I wade through this crap and get into my non-profit courses, things will pick up.
Had lunch with a Portland mayoral candidate today, who turned out to be from a little town in Mississippi about 5 minutes away from where I went to undergrad school. I was pretty unimpressed, overall. Solve the traffic problem by encouraging people to carpool by giving them free lottery tickets for doing so? I can tell this man is from Mississippi.....
I need a new profile pic. That one is several years old, and I'm not particularly fond of it.
I really have absolutely nothing of interest to report. Still waiting on student loans so that I can finally be financially stable enough to explore the Portland nightlife (and buy my books for school, but concerts and beer take precedence). Classes are fine, but dull. Very difficult to make courses like Public Budgeting interesting. Once I wade through this crap and get into my non-profit courses, things will pick up.
Had lunch with a Portland mayoral candidate today, who turned out to be from a little town in Mississippi about 5 minutes away from where I went to undergrad school. I was pretty unimpressed, overall. Solve the traffic problem by encouraging people to carpool by giving them free lottery tickets for doing so? I can tell this man is from Mississippi.....
I need a new profile pic. That one is several years old, and I'm not particularly fond of it.
What was interesting in Sitka?