The damn Tootsie Roll commercial song just popped in my head. "The world looks might good to me, cause Tootsie Rolls are all I see. Whatever it is I think I see becomes a Tootsie Roll to me." How fucking lame is that? I could have written that shit, cause I have some money now too? lol
It's 3:17am and I'm run! Be back later.
Update - My food was yummy and I am now content. My thong has cherries on it. Bow the fuck down.
It's 3:17am and I'm run! Be back later.
Update - My food was yummy and I am now content. My thong has cherries on it. Bow the fuck down.

I'll have to just hum the old Mars Bar song to myself.
...and for that matter the terminology "thong" is strange yet, slowly working into the culture here. For years it was considered that a thong is what you wore on your feet on a hot day...
Now I rest