I feel like some mobster or old Italian mother disowning someone. I told someone they were dead to me this morning. Fuct up thing is, they probably don' t realize I really mean it.
Edited to add:
I was still somewhat annoyed about the situation so I wrote a blog on MS along w/ a nice lil' shitty poem, you can read it here if... Read More
I have nothing witty to say. I have nothing to say at all for that matter. No words to express. So, just take my love and run with it. Don't worry about the conversation. You don't even have to talk to me. I'll just hold you and we can just be content with each others presence. Deal?
At first I wasn't sure, but now I've decided to boycott Johnson & Johnson. If you read
my blog on MS you'll see the entire blog I wrote on there, but on here I'll keep it super short.
Johnson & Johnson is suing the American Red Cross over the red cross logo on Safety and Disaster preparedness kits. This really pisses me off. I say... Read More
My "me day" turned into a two day enjoyment. Bought some clothes, a b-day gift for "that guy," and food. Gotta love food. I refused to put up with drama or do anything I didn't want to do. It actually worked out really well. I should have more "me days."
I'm taking a me day today. I prefer to think of it as a mental health day. A day when all you have to worry about is yourself. I was thinking of getting a tan, a haircut, and some shopping in as it's tax free weekend and everyone is therefore having sales. Today will be wonderful.