wow, cool. I own two apartments on the goldcoast... well my family does, so just a part of me... haha.
i spent every summer there for about 20 years. Its brilliant.
I should be over there before i move to the states in feb...
a visit could well be in order.
haha. I am so delerious right now. I stayed up all night, and my brain is malfunctioning. What would YOU do for a Kit Kat? haha I better go back to my page now. .............
Im surprised we didnt realise earlier.. You fit the bill! And you are definitely going to be added to our hot list. Ranking as number one of course. So, when can we hook up? Lasonja is looking for love after all.
Put on your crash helmet, we are taking you on a cycling date.
Hopefully I'll be shooting more sets this month, just pin-up stuff for my burlesque site. Check out the BettiLu Bombshells website for more photos from that shoot.
isn't it good to "resolve" these issues.
was in yr shop yesterday and made you scutter around and get the vinyl out. got the black keys debut. had the others a while. cheers for that but no dvd.
not ready for the digital world yet.
Ok, then!
The pics in your journal aren't small. Thats the size they are on the computer. If you used a larger image, it'd come up larger. Try posting a pic of one of the SG sets, and it'll come up big. (don't use properties on the thumbnail, use it once the pic is in pop-up).
Your profile pic is mushed coz thats what sg does if it isn't the exact size. (175x235) Email me your pic, and i'll reduce it on photoshop.
To try out doing the pics and stuff, rather than adding it into your journal, go to update page, and click on edit journal, well, pick the entry to edit. And then your current journal can be edited.
Thats it I guess.
Those bound feet are HOT!!
And the b&w girl in your journal....drool drool drool!!
Have fun!